Another Hatch Broadcasting Live... Come join me!!


11 Years
Mar 27, 2008
Southern California
21 days will be Thursday the 11th at 9pm.

I am broadcasting live because it makes things so much more exciting and fun....

This is my THIRD hatch of 2010... Somebody stop me!

I even bought MORE TJ eggs for my broody hen to hatch out for me!!! But that is another story...

Starting Thursday, I am hatching out Mille Fleur Bantam Cochins from Lynne and Blue-Laced Red Wyandottes from a local breeder...

Here is the link
I think I just counted nine pips... There is peeping... And one on the bottom right fourth from the bottom is starting to zip but it is face down so the camera can't see it... Fun stuff!!
It doesn't look like you're on. I had been watching until about 1/2 hr ago, when I got a virus alert. Had to shut down. Don't know if both our problems were related or not. Hope it gets back up, It is sure fun to watch, although I don't get much done.

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