Another hello - from me and my hatchies


Apr 11, 2021
Hi there!
I discovered the forum when looking for info about incubation hatching to stop myself stressing out - I've literally got my first ever try cheeping away behind me as I type! Today is day 20, so I guess my first is a little early but it's out and very chatty. I can hear more and have a few that have pipped- there's 14 in there in total, at least 6 are on their way. Mostly mixed crosses from our small home flock, but two speckled sussex from 6 I got in the post 🤞
Anyway, I digress - sorry it's just SO EXCITING! all previous chicks we've had have just been from letting a hen do her thing :)

My first pet as a child was a chicken. Seriously - I was three, and had a gorgeous white hen. I wanted to call her 'Goldylocks' (as that was my favourite story at the time) but mum said no as she 'didn't have yellow hair'. I stubbornly named the hen 'Goldylegs' (as she had yellow legs) and this became a one of those favourite family stories to tell.

Speckledqueen is an Illusion to my ideal flock - lots of pretty speckled birds! I really like patterned chooks. Our flock at the moment is a total mixed bag, some mongrels and a few different breeds. Our Roo is an Orpingtion cross - when I got sucked into reading about Orps maybe having low fertility late last night I realised I should actually sign up and not just stalk. So here I am.

Now, excuse me I'm off to peer into the hovabator again! I hear new voices!!

ok - just had a look and it seems to be going well! So I'm editing to add the questions - I was too excited and missed that! here we go -

(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?
We've had chickens all my life, gew up on a small farm

(2) How many chickens do you have right now?


(3) What breeds do you have?

Ummmm, mostly mixed but two speckled marans, two black rock and a lavender something. Orpington cross roo

(4) What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard chickens?

They are so funny! So many characters. plus good eggs obvs

(5) What are some of your other hobbies?

Reading, crochet, sewing

(6) Tell us about your family, your other pets, your occupation, or anything else you'd like to share.

I live with my sister and dad on the family farm, which has been farmed by us for 3 generations. I'm in the UK. We have a dog and two cats. We did have dairy cows

(7) Bonus: How did you find BYC, how long have you known about BYC, and what made you finally join our awesome community? :D

Looking for hatching info and realising how great the community was here
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Welcome to BYC! I’m so excited to see you joined! This wonderful community of poultry keepers and experts will be very happy to answer whatever questions you may have ☺️

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