Another round of "Guess That Breed!"


Mar 29, 2015
Hutchinson KS
My neighbor has one of the sweetest and cutest Muscovy hens. She also has a beautiful but major pill of a drake. He's been trying to kill one of their ducklings since it arrived in a batch of 4, from TSC. They have 2 drakes in the batch of 2pekin, 2 mallards their kids brought home when sent on a feed run. Daddy Duck only attacks the pekin drake! Rather weird. Unfortunately for DD, the ducklings will put their head on your shoulder when you hold them and are very polite. DD may not last until thanksgiving dinner, but he'll probably thaw out just fine.....

The good news is, Momma Is currently sitting on 8 eggs! Yay! DD may be a jerk, but he sure is adorable and hopefully his personality genes are recessive. I may be able to get a couple girls to add to my pair of WHs.

Just for my own curiosity, anyone care to venture a guess as to his breeding? I'm gonna say either tricolor Ancona, a magpie/runner cross or Rouen cross. My Rouen cross guess is only because that's what they were told when they got him. I only know what I've read on BYC, so no making fun of my guesses! Lol.

He WOULD NOT stand still, so the photos are kinda blurry. Sorry. He's not into being very accommodating.





Until he started attacking the one duckling, he was just the class clown, pain in the neck. Now? Not so much. Everything in me says, and WHY would you want his offspring.....?! He's beautiful. Pics don't remotely do him justice. Shallow. I know.

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