Another Sensless Act....

Iowa Roo Mom

Resistance Is Futile
11 Years
Apr 30, 2009
Keokuk County
Why do people feel the need to harm someting so helpless? It is harmless, innocent....
There it sits, at the end of my drive, in the rain, sleet, snow, ice, and wind- everyday- waiting.
It only gets one day a week off and the occasional holiday, and still it sits there, waiting.
Some days it waits for nothing.
Some days it is crammed so full I don't know how it doesn't burst apart at the seams.
It it weathered... old. But still it stands, like a faithful friend or a trusted companion.
It is my mailbox. My mailbox has never harmed anyone. It is in no one's way. It exists.

But last night, someone felt the need to kill my mailbox. It stands on a wooden post. Well... it did. Untill last night. I went out this morning to find the post broken off at the ground, the box beyond repair.

I know I am not the first person to have this happen. I know that sometimes hoodlums go about hitting mailboxes with ball bats for fun. But this has not happened around here before, and when it happenes, it's usually in the summertime.
There were no tire tracks as if a vehicle "accidentaly slid into it". There were footprints.

So today I say goodbye to my trusty mailbox, and be thankful that I have a mail service and a PMB# to fall back on. I will be filing a formal change of address today.
Ah yes, the dreaded mail box predator! We too have them where I live. I hear they are related to the BB gun sign predators, which we also have in our neck of the woods. It is my understanding they mostly produce male offspring. Alas, I live in fear that I may be harboring a future mail box/bb gun sign predator. Don't know for sure yet, but he has a few years of maturity left.

I am sorry, stinks that they do it, but I know in our neighborhood it is mostly boredom.
Aw man, I'm sorry! :-(

Can I share a little "funny"?

I noticed a new box on our route that I wasn't familiar with. I have only been on that route for about a month at that point, so was wondering if perhaps I had just forgotten. There were now a post and three boxes, but this box on the end was not marked.

I go to open it, thinking that I must have missed it, to see what number the regular has marked on it, for future reference...and I found this once I was able to fight and pry it open...


solid stuffed full of cement.

I thought "Self...they must be REALLY sick of getting junk mail or somebody punked them."

So I asked the regular who said that they had lost a few boxes to bats so that put this phantom box up next to their real ones, full of cement. I bet it sure packs a kick back when they smack it with the bat!
My BIL cured that problem. He got some plate steel at least 1/8 thick (maybe even 1/4) and welded up a mailbox shaped like a little house. Painted it red. It's real cute. Indestructable, too. The next idiot who hit that puppy was in for a big surprise.
My BIL cured that problem. He got some plate steel at least 1/8 thick (maybe even 1/4) and welded up a mailbox shaped like a little house. Painted it red. It's real cute. Indestructable, too. The next idiot who hit that puppy was in for a big surprise.
we have never had our mailbox damaged by anyone except cars... our road is 45 mph....speed limit 55 and higher for thoes who don't care. They hit the box so many times parents decided to move it into the drive way so no one could hit it. So far its still standing there and only occupied by bees. The mail lady foudn out she could deliver all of our mail at the farm without having to go in the driveways.
Ah yes... As you mention it, DB just happened to buy a welder yesterday
I'm sure pops has some old steel lying around somewhere.

Asher, I do like that cement idea. I can imagine your surprise as a mail carrier when you opened that one up
My mialbos is attached to the post with bungie cords. looks a little "Redneck" but now it has the flexability to move when pummeled by the massive wave of snow from the plow and can also absorb a severe whacking by the local baseball greats.

It's a little bent, the door fits at a jonty angle and the front is shorter than the back, but it is still out there.

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