Another Sensless Act....

It is unfortunate that so many members of our society are so stupid that they take pleasure in destroying a mail box. Dumb as a box of rocks. Had the same problem here and did what a couple previous posters did. My husband built a steel mail box on a steel post and sunk it well into the ground with cement. I can only hope that some idiot takes a swing at it with a bat as they pass in a car!
hahaha Yup. I waste too many minutes sometimes sitting there going "What the...?" about what I find when I open a box.
This was the funniest so far, though. Now, my brother is a city carrier and he opened a box to find a dead snake that someone had put in there. THAT would not be funny to me at all and I would have had to go home to change my pants if it would have happened to me.
Last summer my teen DS comes in late at night (ok, late for me, like 9:30) swinging an old aluminum bat. Found it in our ditch. Upon questioning, near our new mailbox. Next morning looking down the road, is a row of battered mailboxes leading up to ours, untouched, where said bat was found. That new "indestructible" rubber maid type mailbox, recently installed to replace the old one I couldn't hammer back into shape anymore, must've had one heck of a bounce-back. Tickles my funny bone even now, just picturing it. Wham! Wham! Wham! BOING ggggg.
Ours got hit a couple of times so Dh built a wooden box for all three houses in our little patch o land. Then he bolted it to an 8x8 board and sank it six feet in the ground in cement.

It got hit this winter...... I can just see the expression on the insurance adjuster's face, "All you hit was a mailbox?!?!" Her car was ton up!

The post office let us put it in the driveway farther off the road....

Gotta ask though asher - the other day I dug out a box of tissues to solve a runny nose at the bus stop - shoved it in the mailbox to load said kid with runny nose on the bus .... and promptly forgot all about the box of tissues!!
I wonder what the carrier thought of that!!
I have WHAT in my yard? :

Gotta ask though asher - the other day I dug out a box of tissues to solve a runny nose at the bus stop - shoved it in the mailbox to load said kid with runny nose on the bus .... and promptly forgot all about the box of tissues!!
I wonder what the carrier thought of that!!

Probably thought you were trying to give them a hint or giving them a weird gift. No idea. I probably woulda went "What the...?" and then put it back in.

One time, starting this new route, the flag was up and I pulled out a paper with what appeared to be a kid (maybe 3-4yrs old?) drawings on it. I smiled and put it back in, assuming it was for someone else or the child did it and the parents didn't realize. Well...the next day, same flag up, same letter. haha I HOPE it was meant for the mail man or myself b/c I took it and put a note in it that said "Thank you for the beautiful picture! The Mail Lady"

Kids either think the mail person is the best thing since sliced bread (and are always amazed when we drive on the wrong side of the car) or stare at us like we are idiots. haha The younger ones normally like us, though. That may or may not have to do with the fact that I give out suckers and have conversations with them, despite the age, gender, etc. (I do this with animals, too, but it's very one sided.
I have a photo album on my facebook page of pictures of things/animals, etc. that I have taken while working on the various routes. haha Most of them are animals. They are my company when I am working.)​
A friend of mine in Fl had her hubby fix hers after the bazillionth time of someone crushing. Her hubby welded a steel pipe inside the box and welded the box onto a steel pipe. From the outside it looks like a regular mailbox on a steel pipe, the culprits hit it once, it still has a small dent. The box has been safe ever since.
We've had our mail box stolen twice and blown up once. The explosion I write off to teen punks. The thievery was our former dirtbag landscaper who thought he could rip us off. He found out that he couldn't. So what does he do? He steals our mailboxes. I really hate having to call the State Police to report a stolen mailbox, but such is life. The second time, my friendly neighborhood Trooper tracked the inbred lowlife down and had a speak with him. The next time we saw said lowlife in town, he actually said hello, quite politely. We've had this mailbox ever since. The current $9- mailbox has numerous nails sticking out from the bottom, and when you flip the box over, spelled out is "F U J B." JB is the landscaper. Figure out the rest. I'm so immature, aren't I.

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