Another Sensless Act....

Pineapplemama - It could be your mail person that clipped it.

I have to say, I'm glad I didn't have any steel boxes and such on the route that I originally trained on, when I had a hard time telling distances, etc. That could have been really bad for my car!

As it is, I am missing my right side mirror. I say that it makes it way easier...and it does, but it certainly didn't (No boxes were harmed, they all (it was like 6 on one line of wood) bounced back, but my car certainly was.
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I don't think it was the Mail Person... the go up our side, turn around at the end/intersection then come down the other side... I've never seen them pull a U-turn in the middle of the street... but then our route is the OT route... the one that someone grabs when they want extra hours... it's really rare to see the same mailperson two days in a row so who knows. In any case, it was just tilted back a bit, not totally smashed, so we just tilted her back up and there you go.
As a child, my brothers and I vandalized the neighbor's mailbox. She was constantly calling the law on us because we had the go cart in the street, or we were shooting fireworks (under my father's supervision) on the Fourth of July or mom's birthday (July 11) or we were too loud after dark (flashlight tag)

So one day we put a few bullfrogs in her mailbox. Granted, the frogs were alive, and pretty large. She was watching out the kitchen window and called the law. Within and hour, a squad car was in our driveway and we were in DEEP trouble. We listened to a lecture, first from the deputy, then from my father. And then we were grounded. For placing frogs in the mailbox. Government property. A felony.

Never did we ever bash in someone's mailbox.

ETA: I still remember the deputy smirking and stifiling a giggle when he made us open the box and the frogs came hopping out. But still, we knew we were in big trouble...
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Pineapplemama, aha, I see.

Iowa roo mom, omg! I am so glad there are no children on my route like that!
Especially b/c they would probably be waiting nearby to see my reaction and would learn some new words if something jumped out at me from a mail box!
As a child, my brothers and I vandalized the neighbor's mailbox. She was constantly calling the law on us because we had the go cart in the street, or we were shooting fireworks (under my father's supervision) on the Fourth of July or mom's birthday (July 11) or we were too loud after dark (flashlight tag)

So one day we put a few bullfrogs in her mailbox. Granted, the frogs were alive, and pretty large. She was watching out the kitchen window and called the law. Within and hour, a squad car was in our driveway and we were in DEEP trouble. We listened to a lecture, first from the deputy, then from my father. And then we were grounded. For placing frogs in the mailbox. Government property. A felony.

Never did we ever bash in someone's mailbox.

Yeah..frogs are one thing..
bashing/destroying is another...

I just get REALLY mad when punks are so heartless and careless of other peoples property. It really bothers me...
We work HARD for everything that we have,.... and even if its just a $50 box..its still MY property... and for someone to just come and destroy it... ugh... that ticks me off!
we used to have this HUGE scary spider that lived in our box.. she had eggs and everything...

I would NOT go get the mail... no way! I just kept picturing that thing latching on my hand and biting off my finger or something.. *shivers*
I dont think my poor mail lady ever knew it was in there...
we used to have this HUGE scary spider that lived in our box.. she had eggs and everything...

I would NOT go get the mail... no way! I just kept picturing that thing latching on my hand and biting off my finger or something.. *shivers*
I dont think my poor mail lady ever knew it was in there...



<----- Very much a-feared of spiders.....
we used to have this HUGE scary spider that lived in our box.. she had eggs and everything...

I would NOT go get the mail... no way! I just kept picturing that thing latching on my hand and biting off my finger or something.. *shivers*
I dont think my poor mail lady ever knew it was in there...


<----- Very much a-feared of spiders.....

me too...

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