This one is about 10 weeks. I have another and the comb on that one is nothing like this chick. This chick also has some iridescent green feathers on its back that the other doesn't have.
Thanks in advance!
Thanks!! I couldn't find any straight run SS in the feed stores near me-I got a few from the Pullets Only bin and prayed there was one little cockerel in the bunch!
I'm tickled to death-I did the same thing with the GLW chicks and got a roo there too!
I also have a 10 wk old SS, that I was sure was a pullet but now I'm beginning to wonder about. This is 'Poulette' --I went to nearby Estes hatchery in Springfield to get her and another breed. They mentioned they hadn't yet sexed the SS, but supposedly did this one for me. The tail has me wondering. That and the grownup sounds as her voice is changing....not exactly a crow, it could be a loud cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck...I'd appreciate any input! Thanks!