Another visitor to the yard

*shudder* Now why did you have to go and say that?!?!

I was here, living comfortably in my ignorance, thinking I could just run away... but NOOOOooo you just had to inform me that if I turn to run the bugger could jump on my back.
They have several natural predators; hawks, owls, lizards, snakes, skunks. It's rough being a Tarantula.
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I've never seen a Tarantula jump more than about an inch. They're really quite fragile. Usually if frightened they'll rear up like a horse.
Then you can double your fun... Texas has them too... and scorpions, and rattlers... *shudder*

I know! Us too! We are suffering from a scorpion invasion in our shower, of all places! Gotta watch where you step!

The tarantulas aren't bad. They don't sneak around and run all over like the little ones. They're big enough, and calm enough to move easily. You get used to them.


I really hate Scorpions. I know from personal experience that stepping on one barefoot will introduce you to whole new realms of pain!
Great photo. I have a phobia of spiders, but I really like them. Surprisingly the big ones do not bother me like the fast, creepy, sneaky, little ones do.

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