answer me this please

thanks for everyones comments. it's interesting what everybody thinks. a simple question turns into something more. i really enjoyed reading them. i'm curious to read more. but how about sticking to the question. is there a difference in taste from fresh eggs to store bought eggs. i think so. thank you everyone
its just about people and them thinking that what they think is right, no matter what someone else says. *rolls eyes* like people who will refuse to eat something and say they don't like it before they've ever tried it. like duck or quail eggs...yes they taste different, but HOW do you KNOW you don't like them? or WONT like them? Because you have to taste it

I had a neighbor who I offered a free dozen eggs once, and she absolutely refused to even TRY them...She said she wouldn't eat 'home grown eggs' because who knew what my free ranging layers had, what they ate, or blah blah, and she prefered grocery store organic eggs that you pay 4$ a carton for...OKAY...well um my chickens were not medicated, were healthy, ate the food I ate, and greens + feed...They are just as organic if not more so (Because who knows what really IS organic - besides the label saying so
) than store bought ones, and they were free! *rolls eyes* People never cease to amaze me with their craziness.

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