Anti Naked Neck Society

Which you prefer, Naked Neck or Buff Orpingtons?

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I absolutely adore naked necks! Planning on starting a naked neck only flock. :love
That ought not be too difficult. It is my understanding that the genetic mutation has a high likelihood of being passed along to their offspring, which for me equates to breeding the heartiness of Turkens back into the bloodlines from the store-bought chicks (production reds, americauna (type), and leghorn (type) (cornish cross does not breed into cornish cross, they tend to revert back to a leghorn (type) bird) that I'd purchased in the past. Those that have managed to live to adulthood, that is. It is a slow process to undo countless generations of mismanagement by Panama's version of Big-AG, but I'm working with what I have at my disposal. I'm happy to give up a few neck feathers to gain the health benefits for the rest of my flock's offspring.
Isn't that a Cochin, though, in all but name?
No silly, this is a Cochin.


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