Antibiotics for chickens - suggestions?

Based on the pictures below, the dose would be ~0.15ml per pound.

Picture below is from this site:

Does that help?


Disclaimer: I have not used penicillin in anything but horses.
Based on the pictures below, the dose would be ~0.15ml per pound.
[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333] [/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]Picture below is from this site:[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333] [/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]Does that help?[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]-Kathy[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]Disclaimer: I have not used penicillin in anything but horses.[/COLOR]
Thanks, this helps a lot! My young rooster weighs about 2 lbs. he had a lump on his leg just above the joint. I lanced it ans a small amount of pus came out. The vet prescribed Naxcel IM shots, 1 per day for 3 days. I looked up this medecine and only found it mentioned as experimental with birds. I don't believe it worked. My rooster is still limping, favoring his leg and the leg has turned pink and is warm. I orderd some penicillin from the link in the message I replied to, but wasn't sure about the dosage. I hope it helps. He doesn't have the lump any more, just a whole sore leg.
I would love to know where to get some Baytril without a prescription. I think I may have Infectious Bronchitis in my flock and need to medicate as soon as possible.

Thank you,
Kim Brown
I would love to know where to get some Baytril without a prescription. I think I may have Infectious Bronchitis in my flock and need to medicate as soon as possible.

Thank you,
Kim Brown
Welcome to BYC!

IB is a virus, so Baytril won't help unless they also have a secondary infection that's sensitive to enrofloxacin. You should also be aware that Baytril is banned for use in poultry, so read up on that.

If you decide to order it, you can get it here:

Hope this helps,
Ok, thank you. This is the strangest thing I have seen in my chickens. This hen is all blown up like a balloon and she has foam coming from her mouth and eyes. I had been watching her and had given meds for gapeworm because of her symptoms. Unfortunately today I was very sick and in bed most of the day. When I went out to put them in for the evening, I found her is this condition. I have brought her in and put her on heat. I don't know what else to do.

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