Antibiotics for chicks


Mar 3, 2015
Pittsburgh, PA
I'm wondering if I need to give my chicks antibiotics. I've noticed their poop is very runny. It was originally hard and we talked to someone at Tractor Supply and they said to feed them chick grit if it was hard, but they would need antibiotics if it was loose. But since we've been doing the's very loose now. I've stopped giving them the grit. Should they be on some type of antibiotic? I've been putting apple cider vinegar in their water (small amount) and sprinkling a little garlic powder over their food. What else could I do?
Are they acting fine? If so, don't worry. chicks sometimes have loose stools, especially if their heat is too high. They will drink more water to try to cool themselves off. Also, they frequently pass what's called a cecal poop, which is extra runny and stinky.
I just got my 3 chicks in from L&D Farms supplies, trying to find out if they had been given any vaccinations as the kids in the store don't really know.

I got a mixed bag 1x Australorp(2weeks), 1x Production red(1week), 1x New Hampshire Red(2weeks).

I have them on medicated starter food. Is there something I should add to there water ??

As they get bigger, I might need a bigger box also. Heat-lamp, I'm using a 40watt reflective lamp that spay painted high-temp red with three coats and dried so it does not give off any vapors, anyone done that ?, as for me the 250 seemed way over kill. And I'm monitoring the temp under the lamp.

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They definitely need a bigger box. At this age, the temp under the center of the light, at the level of their backs should be no more than 80 - 85*. The box needs to be big enough for them to run around, and get away from the heat to at least 70* or below. Also, it looks like your brooder lamp is just held by the clamp? For safety, there should be at least 2 points of securing that lamp to decrease fire hazard. I doubt very much if they've had any vaccines. For the back yard flock, IMO, it's really not necessary. One thing you can do to help them build their immunity is to give them a plug of sod. (as long as it hasn't been treated with insecticide/herbicides.) They'll love you for it!
They definitely need a bigger box. At this age, the temp under the center of the light, at the level of their backs should be no more than 80 - 85*. The box needs to be big enough for them to run around, and get away from the heat to at least 70* or below. Also, it looks like your brooder lamp is just held by the clamp? For safety, there should be at least 2 points of securing that lamp to decrease fire hazard. I doubt very much if they've had any vaccines. For the back yard flock, IMO, it's really not necessary. One thing you can do to help them build their immunity is to give them a plug of sod. (as long as it hasn't been treated with insecticide/herbicides.) They'll love you for it!

Thanks lazy gardener,

Im working on getting larger box, temp is at 80f, I put one of my photographic light stand by the heatlamp and hooked a small chain to it. Your right about the sod, they were all over it.
thanks for the help.

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