Antique photograph signatures

Just getting home from work & was hoping you guys had solved the mystery!
Too tired to search tonight....I'll look some more in the morning.
Sorry guys i've been in town shopping today and just got home
'Town' is 3 hours away.

I tried to get the picture copied at Walmart but they were their usual helpful selves. They didn't have a scanner big enough and I wasn't about to let them mail it. So I stopped by at Walgreens and they were much more resourceful. They scanned the picture in four sections and e-mailed it to their poster/gift place, who will overlap the sections and put it back together again!

I've been wondering about e-mailing pics of the pic to some of the film organizations.

I think it looks a lot like Broncho Billy Anderson. He also made a lot of films in 1913, four in February alone.

I think we need the help of the FBI

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