ants ants ants

I can certainly understand your flustration. We live in Central Georgia, but I think we have the same crazy ants here too. They scurry around like they are on some sort of mission. It is to bite you if they get on you. You can't wear flip flops. That is just a no no around here. The garden is over run with them too. But the chickens are the biggest concern. I did find some of the Diatomaceous Earth at a Mill near our home. It is the Food Grade kind so I am going to buy 50lbs of it. I hope this works. If not, it is not that expensive so I won't be lost alot. I just hope it works. Putting down poultry dust helps for a while, but they come back by the millions. I hear that they are looking for moisture. It has been dry here for awhile., so I suppose that could be true. Lots of luck with your ants. I will let you all know if this stuff works
Another good way to get rid of ants is borax or boric acid. A lot of ant baits that you buy at the hardware are boron based.

Make 'peanut butter balls' as bait. Some ants eat sugar, some seek oil, PB has both so it makes an ideal bait.

Take a wad of PB, maybe a tablespoon, and mix about a tablespoon of borax or boric acid in it. shape into small balls or crumbles and put the bait where ants can get it. If you need to keep it hidden from your own animals, you can put the bait in a plastic bowl with a lid, like a margarine container, with 'doors' cut in it so the ants can get in but your birds and wild life can't, and leave it in the ants' trail.

OR you can mix a tablespoon of borax/boric acid into a glop of pancake syrup, corn syrup, or a quarter cup of sugar and lay it out in a plastic container with a lid taped tight, and holes large enough for ants to get into and back out, but birds and other critters won't.

While the toxicity isn't real high for most two and four legged creatures it is poisonous (which is why we're trying to get ants to eat it) especially if eaten in large amounts.

The PB bait also works on cockroaches. Yellowjackets and other sweet-seeking stingers will also eat it if you mix it with pancake syrup, apple juice, kool aid or mashed banana and lay it on a plate or put it in an empty soda bottle near their nest. It takes a few days, but the nest will die as more of them eat it and feed it to the larvae and then the queen.
Oh no... They EAT fire ants?!?! It does sound similar to one type of ant I read about once. The only foolproof solution I know of is recruiting one of the nuts on Youtube. It's amazing how many (often idiotic) ways they find to kill ants.
Seriously, though, with a colony that has no mound... NOT good. Every solution I know of targets the mound.

This story might help, though. Last week my dad and I camped out at Myrtle Beach (SC). We went up to Calabash to see how long it would take to get to the fishing boat we were going on the next day. When we got back to our tent, it was TEEMING with ants. Hundreds, quite possibly thousands, all over the outside. We checked with one of the campground workers, and she brought a can of spray, the name of which escapes me. We sprayed all over the tent and around the perimeter, and about three minutes later, every last ant was dead or squirming in what appeared to be unbearable pain. We did not have ant problems for the rest of the trip. I'm pretty sure the can said it wouldn't harm humans or pets. I wish I could remember the name of the spray.
I don't like to use poison either but I have resorted to Amdro and it works very well. Kills 12 different kinds of ants I think. BUT this weekend I got my new issue of Country Living magazine and it had an article about sprinkling grits around the nests. Of course it's 100% natural and the ants feed it to the developing ants and they can't digest it and die.

Actually I am running out tomorrow to Wal-mart to pick up a few containers. Get the walmart brand and see if you get results.

I have ants everywhere!!

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