I have been using food grade DE in the coop under and on top of the shavings, everywhere. I cleaned the coop less than a week ago, applied fresh shavings, and used DE. Within a couple days, the flies were horrible again (like a swarm when you walk in, flies are hitting you everywhere), and the coop is also FULL of ants. So I applied more DE, but to no avail. And under the hanging waterer where the chickens occasionally spill, there are live maggots buried in the moist shavings, lots of them. Because of these pests, I have to clean the coop and put down new shavings every few days. From what I've read here, that's not normal. I know DE is supposed to work, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything, no matter how much I use or re-apply.
My chickens don't eat the flies and ants, but I sure wish they would. And they haven't seen the maggots because they are buried in the moist shavings under the waterer. Not sure I would want them eating the nasty maggots anyway, no telling what they may be carrying. If I could get rid of the flies, that would cure the maggot problem too. The ants are just now starting to get bad, the DE isn't phasing them, and some of them are fire ants. I know full well the damage they can do, but I'm wondering if the maggots also pose any risk to my old chicken that can't roost anymore and pretty much stays in one spot?
I would be grateful for any ideas on how to kill and/or repel the flies, maggots and ants that my coop is overrun with. Would Seven dust work and be safe? Maybe a better brand of DE?
My chickens don't eat the flies and ants, but I sure wish they would. And they haven't seen the maggots because they are buried in the moist shavings under the waterer. Not sure I would want them eating the nasty maggots anyway, no telling what they may be carrying. If I could get rid of the flies, that would cure the maggot problem too. The ants are just now starting to get bad, the DE isn't phasing them, and some of them are fire ants. I know full well the damage they can do, but I'm wondering if the maggots also pose any risk to my old chicken that can't roost anymore and pretty much stays in one spot?
I would be grateful for any ideas on how to kill and/or repel the flies, maggots and ants that my coop is overrun with. Would Seven dust work and be safe? Maybe a better brand of DE?