Ants in chicken run


Jun 12, 2022
Mojave Desert
I have had multiple incidents with ants of all sorts. The other day, I went into the chicken run and there was an entire colony of fire ants in the place that our hens like to dust bathe. My family and I dug up the nest and sprinkled (a LOT of) cinnamon and D.E. hoping we could solve the problem. We give them leftover watermelon rinds but we pick them up once the chickens are done with them. I went into the coop today and there were not only fire ants, but very large black ants in the coop! The fire ants are very aggressive but the black ants just collect food and go back to their nest. I do not feel comfortable using any sort of poison inside, outside, or anywhere near my coop. I really need some suggestions or advice because the ants are not leaving my hens alone.
I really need some suggestions or advice because the ants are not leaving my hens alone.

Suggest you add your geographic location to your member icon. That might help people understand what you are dealing with where you live. I live in northern Minnesota, and I don't think I have ever seen fire ants, for example. Someone in your area may be more helpful, and it's helpful if you add your geographic location for better targeted answers.

I thought maybe chickens would eat ants. I know my chickens are constantly out in the chicken run scratching and pecking into the compost litter, looking for worms and bugs to eat. I have always assumed that they would eat ants if they found any. But, like I said, we don't have fire ants where I live.

I keep all poisons away from my chickens, and my yard for that matter. I am with you on that issue. Will be reading this thread to see if someone can offer some good advice. Best wishes.
Pouring boiling water into the mound would probably help. It might, at least, convince the survivors to move their colony outside the run where you can use Amdro.
it takes a lot of hot water though.
(and I am still wondering where I could get seven pounds of molten aluminum.....well at this point I have no fire ants but still, that is a cool piece)
Hello! This probably isn’t a very good solution, but I used mint (the plant’s leaves) and put some on the area where the ants were . Next they, they were gone .they came back, but then I also added cucumber peels, and I never saw them again. There’s probably better solutions but that was what I had available XD
I wouldn't mess around with fire ants--you can try borax (boric acid) but will probably need chemicals, like Amdro. You could either sprinkle it around outside where the birds don't get to it, or buy the bait stations. Or, make your own bait stations by drilling about a 3/8 hole in a small tupperware container.
Suggest you add your geographic location to your member icon. That might help people understand what you are dealing with where you live. I live in northern Minnesota, and I don't think I have ever seen fire ants, for example. Someone in your area may be more helpful, and it's helpful if you add your geographic location for better targeted answers.

I thought maybe chickens would eat ants. I know my chickens are constantly out in the chicken run scratching and pecking into the compost litter, looking for worms and bugs to eat. I have always assumed that they would eat ants if they found any. But, like I said, we don't have fire ants where I live.

I keep all poisons away from my chickens, and my yard for that matter. I am with you on that issue. Will be reading this thread to see if someone can offer some good advice. Best wishes.
Hello, I'm not sure how to add my geographic location to my member icon, but I do have my location in my profile. Would you mind explaining to me how to change my geographic location? Thanks!

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