Any advice: Spraddle leg on two baby button quail


In the Brooder
Dec 28, 2023
Hey there!
I had three button quail chicks hatch last Wednesday. One has Spraddle leg which I noticed happening on day 3. On day 4 I had another chick hatch and is ok. Then on day 5, I had a chick that we assisted in hatching who now also has spraddle leg. We have tried putting them in shot glasses for an hour at a time in front of a space heater under supervision making sure the glass did not heat up. We also managed to put small slivers of bandaids around their legs above the bend, they got them off. But nothing seems to be really working. They are getting to food & water ok. We’ve fed them sugar water & egg yolk. The other three are doing great & I would say that these two are doing ok too, minus the leg situation. The oldest chick is 1week old & the younger one is 4 days old.

Anyone have any advice? Is there any other tricks to help them? Is it too late to fix their legs? And if we can’t fix them, what are their chances? The other chicks are not currently picking on them and I’d rather not separate them. I currently have paper towels down in the brooder, but am thinking of putting down some grippy shelf paper.

Updated note: Also they do stand on occasion and will keep their legs under them at times.

Thanks in advance!
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