Any artists out there?

gently sets this here and runs away
(just like running from running away)
day 273 of turning my friends into chickens
i just now realise i shoulda made the tertiary feather color a smidge yellower but too late now
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Cool! I like turning chickens into people but struggle with the other direction because chickens have so many colors and features people don’t have that I don’t know where to start.
For example, this was supposed to be based on some LoTR characters but I ended up basing it more off of what colors I imagine they wear a lot rather than actual hair color because I didn’t want to draw a bunch of solid chocolate chickens, a black chicken, a blue chicken, and one buff chicken when there are so many exciting and complex chicken colors out there!

For example, Frodo I imagine wearing gold and marroon, Sam sky blue and yellow, Merry brown and green (which you sadly can’t have on a chicken at the same time), Pippin yellow and green (but he’s the only one I picture with blond rather than brown hair so I really leaned into that).
Aragorn I based more off of his contrast of pale skin and dark hair and grey eyes or Gondorian black and silver.
Gandalf the Grey is pretty obvious, I wish I made his tail drag on the ground more though.
Filled a sketchbook page with chickens last night and was sketching so long I almost fell asleep at my desk. 😄

View attachment 3748897
Pencil and watercolor
I love the barring pattern on the Rock and the detail on her beak and how you subtly colored some of them. The Easter Egger is beautifully detailed.

Time to ramble!!
A lot of the time I prefer the more colorful varieties but there is something about the silver Columbian color (or “Light”) in Brahmas that is so delighfully domesticated looking. I just see it and I think CHIMPKIN!!!! and it just looks like a trustworthy farm hen that serves the livelihood of some longsuffering 19th century American family on their lonely farmstead.

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