Any artists out there?

95% done here. All the major pieces are in place, the remainder is the detail work to really make it pop. I'm super happy with how it is coming out.
Art friends...
What apps/devices/styluses do you use to draw?

Personally, I go the cheap route. Draw with my finger and use a free app. Perhaps one day I will upgrade but I’m honestly too used to my crappy way of making art to convert to something nice.
iPad and Apple pen
edit: on Procreate
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Here are some of my latest and most recent sketches of/for this week!
(Warning, all my furys!)
#1 and 2, baby night fury, and baby Icecap!


#3 and 4, Toothless x Lightfury, and Toothless and baby night fury.

#5, Freya Fenris from SWR!

Enjoy! Any suggestions are highly appreciated! I'm currently in a fury drawing phase, so ask me if you want to!
Another turkey!
I love it! You did simply wonderful on the colors!
Thanks! My rp is open to charries, so if you want to add Maple, the link can be copied from my signature. Edit: and now I see you already went there.
Art friends...
What apps/devices/styluses do you use to draw?

Personally, I go the cheap route. Draw with my finger and use a free app. Perhaps one day I will upgrade but I’m honestly too used to my crappy way of making art to convert to something nice.
Kindle with a stylus. Medibang. I’m probably the only one who uses it. I’m not sure if that old thing even has many other serviceable art apps.
Art friends...
What apps/devices/styluses do you use to draw?

Personally, I go the cheap route. Draw with my finger and use a free app. Perhaps one day I will upgrade but I’m honestly too used to my crappy way of making art to convert to something nice.
I use medibang (free) on my computer. I use a windows 10 laptop cause I really don't like sitting at a desk.

I was using a Wacom intuos with stylus (an old style they don't make anymore) but the wire died and I couldn't find a replacement. It worked really well, and endured quite a bit of misuse from my kids. They were quite young when I got it and it did occasionally get kicked around the floor.

I just got a huion Inspiroy. Not quite the cheapest of all, because I figured I would use the extra levels of sensitivity. It was still under $100CAD and I love it. It works well has the ability to rotate to be used left handed or spun around any direction really, and I have noticed a significant difference in my line quality for the better.

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