Any artists out there?

Here are some of my latest and most recent sketches of/for this week!
(Warning, all my furys!)
#1 and 2, baby night fury, and baby Icecap!
View attachment 2742117

View attachment 2742118
#3 and 4, Toothless x Lightfury, and Toothless and baby night fury.View attachment 2742120View attachment 2742122
#5, Freya Fenris from SWR!View attachment 2742119
Enjoy! Any suggestions are highly appreciated! I'm currently in a fury drawing phase, so ask me if you want to!
I like your style. I do find your lines difficult to see, or kind of blurry, but I think it seems intentional. Not really sure.
How did you do the Shiney bubbly effect over the hexagons? It looks really cool
Short answer, bubble wrap and layering.

Longer, more detailed answer:

The hexagons are actually the top layer. To get this effect, there's a blended base coat of red and fluorescent lemon yellow put down with intentional streaking of both colors into each other for a nice red/orange/yellow mix.

Then you get some bubble wrap and press it down into your wet paint just enough to get the round impressions but not smear everything. basically that give you spots in your base where the color underneath pops through in a circular grid. If you take the now paint-covered bubble wrap and apply it over another color, you get neat multicolored textures.

Once all that dries, you paint on the hex stencil. I like to vary my thickness when I paint it on so you get some variation between a fully filled in hexagon and just a light wash over your underlying color (again the goal is to give you some color and depth variance and allow your background to pop through).
Short answer, bubble wrap and layering.

Longer, more detailed answer:

The hexagons are actually the top layer. To get this effect, there's a blended base coat of red and fluorescent lemon yellow put down with intentional streaking of both colors into each other for a nice red/orange/yellow mix.

Then you get some bubble wrap and press it down into your wet paint just enough to get the round impressions but not smear everything. basically that give you spots in your base where the color underneath pops through in a circular grid. If you take the now paint-covered bubble wrap and apply it over another color, you get neat multicolored textures.

Once all that dries, you paint on the hex stencil. I like to vary my thickness when I paint it on so you get some variation between a fully filled in hexagon and just a light wash over your underlying color (again the goal is to give you some color and depth variance and allow your background to pop through).
So creative! :)
But it's gorgeous, and accidentally having something turn out great is part of figuring out what you like.
Yes! I love the watercolor brush!
Thank you, how so?
I bet if you trace your pencil drawing on another layer, delete the photo layer, and color on layers lower than the line art it will look clearer. If that is the look you’re going for.
My first successful animation! Yes, that is a hen. They do that sometimes.

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