Any artists out there?

Here is another sketch of my boy Cardinal, don't mess with him......
Screenshot 2021-03-09 at 9.28.07 PM.png

Just whipped up and still very fresh!
Art dump! Some of the digital stuff I've done recently, mostly characters for my book I'm writing, which I think could easily translate into an epic animated kid's film. haha

I tried sketching out a poster for fun! Just trying to get everyone to fit on it was super hard :th The colors suck, oh well.
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Some finalized character concepts I did tonight. I really hadn't thought too in depth about some of them so this was nice to do, even if I'm lazy and only messy-sketched it.
(The girl on the left's outfit looks so different from the one she's wearing above because she has 2)
Look at this ragtag group of kids! I love them so much!!
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My beloved prettyboy, Pirr...
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I also made some more edits to my other drawing of Sam in the tree but I think yall are sick of me posting that. just go back and find the old version i guess

OK last thing. I need name suggestions for my magic moose old man that you see in the first poster. Please and thank you
Omg! Every time you post, I am just wowed! The mood and lighting you use always impressed me! Is that lady in the middle the shadow queen? Yeah, it looks like a kids movie. I like that she’s blonde. People don’t usually associate that with darkness. (Ok, I guess there’s the White Witch.)
I also love the noses! Noses are like my favorite feature to draw, along with curly hair. So satisfying! Basically my drawing style is the opposite of manga because they rarely include much of a nose, and curly hair is pretty rare.
The deer girl is my fav. Along with the cute little bunny rabbit. It’s cute! It’s little! It’s an animal!

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