Any artists out there?

Hello everyone. It is awesome to see an art thread here.. even though I originally came for chicken talk, lol. I've been an oil and acrylic painter for about 15 years. My style is impressionistic with realistic qualities, as well as abstract. I was the local art coordinator in our area and participated in art shows and featured in venues. I do enjoy seeing other's art work. FYI, I am not a photographer, lol View attachment 2953029View attachment 2953032
Those are so beautiful! :clap :love I see red leaves to the right as well... :)
I’ve not been doing much, playing with charcoal and gesture drawing. I do an informal “art class” with an art professor friend of mine, and next week we’re doing linocuts and block printing. I’m excited!

Reference + WIP tiger:

Some gesture drawings:
Yeah! I draw cats (and sometimes humans, though those are harder)

View attachment 2953024
View attachment 2953026
View attachment 2953025(pfp for my friend)
View attachment 2953028An OC lol
View attachment 2953030

Something for another friend :p

I'd appreciate constructive criticism!!
Your humans look pretty good!
I’d just work on the anatomy of the cats, specifically with their leg joints and how they bend in different positions. Like the first picture, the cat on the right has front legs that are L shaped and are a tad too long for it to make sense like the cat on the left.
(Not mine)

There are plenty of other resources out on the Internet for cat anatomy drawings. 👍🏽
I started painting my Brahma, Molly. I’ve been putting it off for months now, but I’ve been hanging up some of my other chicken paintings and figurines, and I’ve currently got a Molly sized gap on my wall. XD
I remember why it took me forever to do it. Charcoal sucks, and yellow paint is my arch nemesis. I’ve struggled with it for an hour now, and I’m just now getting it to look somewhat like I want it to. :th

Poor lighting WIP. It still needs a loooooot of work, but I’m hoping I can get her mostly done tonight, that way I can do the background tomorrow once she’s dried.

Y’know, I’d think buff birds would be pretty simple cause they’re mostly one color, but noooooo, they’re so simple even one wrong detail is super noticeable. Even the GLW and SS were easier than this. :/

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