Any artists out there?

Backgrounds just aren't exciting to paint I guess.
Lookin' great!! Do you also sell pet portraits?
Nah, this is my own little booger, his name is Moro and he's the center of my universe. I paint so, so slow. When I was younger, before I went to ISU and got my BFA, I had so much energy and motivation. I honestly don't know where I got it from. I had this endless font of creative energy, and I sponged the works of other artists to improve my work. Something happened after I left University and joined the working masses. I spent several years making no drawings, no paintings, no art. I dedicated myself to the craft of fine jewelry, and discovered that, somehow, somewhere along the way, I lost the desire to draw and paint. So I didn't. And recovering from that has been somewhat like at home dentistry applied to yourself. My muse has anemia, or something. I honestly force myself to draw or create something now, because if I didn't, I would never. I tell myself "I must". It is part of this nebulous quest of "why am I here, what am I for, why do I exist". But that means that most of my artworks of which I am most proud are years long endeavors. My largest, favorite painting took me 5 years to make. No one is going to wait 5 years for a portrait of their pet. It's what I'm capable of, though. I'm a classically trained, professional fine artist, and I can only paint a decent painting maybe twice, sometimes four times a year. I try not to let it get to me. I realize it limits me, financially, because I'm unable to properly capitalize on it. It's why I do engraving now, it's some kind of jazzy fusion of the meticulous fine detail work of goldsmithing, and the freedom and liberty of artistic expression that's more similar to drawing and painting.

tl;dr: I take WAY (years) too long to paint anything so no

edit to add: I started this painting of Moro when he was 1.5 and he is now 3 :)

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