Any Bunny Owners?

there are six bunnies in my household. (two are fosters but i live in los angeles where there are THOUSANDS of bunnies in the shelter and rescue system and it is nearly impossible to find enough people interested in adopting bunnies so they are probably going to be permanent fosters - sigh.)
mine are all separated into male female spayed and neutered couples. i don't keep them in cages but have built "areas" for them in the house. they are litterbox trained and use the boxes most of the time.
most buns are "bun" oriented and enjoy bun company of the opposite sex. HOWEVER, they will reproduce quickly if you don't have them fixed. if you aren't intending to show your buns i'd say have 'em spayed or neutered since there are tons of buns in the world already.
there is a really neat book on how to live with a bunny the same way you'd live with another mammal in your house. it's called the "house rabbit handbook."
make sure you give your bun fresh veggies as well as timothy or oat hay - they need both of these to keep their digestive system working well (this is in addition to pellets.)
congrats on your new friend. i hope you have many happy bunnies years ahead of you!
So you can't show them if they've been spayed or neutered? My veterinarian is the only one I know of that treats bunnies. I didn't even consider neutering! If I have two neutered males, will they still fight? I would love to get him a buddy, so I dont' worry about him being lonely.
hmmmm, i don't think you can alter them if you are going to show them but i could be wrong - sometimes with cats there is a "pet" category where you can show altered kitties - maybe the bunny world as the same sort of thing?
i know that the premise of raising animals for show is that the closer the animal is to "type" the better that animal will be for the breed in terms of genetic legacy. an animal that is fixed can't contribute to the genetic pool any longer. this is why most show animals can't be altered (during their show careers that is).

in terms of a boy bunny friend. if you are going to try to bond two males i would say they both need to be fixed first in order to negate some of those pesky male hormones. (bunnies can be fierce, belive it or not! the worst animal bite i've ever received was from a bunny.) bunnies will fight, and sometimes they can do considerable dammage to one another. introducing buns to each other can be easy, and it can also be hard. a male/female couple is, statistically, an easier sort of "match" but male/male couples are not unheard of. i had a trio for awhile that consisted of two males and one female! (one of the male bunnies in that trio died due to an unrelated medical issue and so that trio is now a duo - but it was very fun for them while it lasted)
i would google "rabbit rescues" in your immediate area and see if 1. there are any and 2. if they might help you make a good "match" for your new bunny friend! that might be a great way to make sure that the next bunny gets along with your current bun.
if you are located anywhere near los angeles i have two foster bunnies that we could try to bond to your bun. (oops, i see you are in oklahoma - never mind.
there are "tricks" to bunny bonding that people use. one of the most famous is to put all of the bunnies you want to form a bond into the back seat of your car (probably in carriers first) and drive them around. you do this for several days until the bunnies start to groom each other.
you can google 'bunny bonding' to find more tips.
it's awesome that you want to get a friend for you bunny buddy. good luck!
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If you want to show you can not have them altered. You can check out the ARBA webite it has alot of useful information about rabbit shows and different breeds.
I have a little domestic bunny, he (or maybe she...we still arent sure to this day!) is 14 YEARS OLD!!! Such a cutie too...all white, blue eyes, has black markings around his eyes only that looks like he's wearing heavy eye liner.

I got him in high school, for a "class assignment" when I was a Junior. I am 30 now!!! We were told by the pet store employee at the time that we got him, that he would only live 3 to 5 years....LOL...YEAH RIGHT!!

He lives with my parents now as we already have our hands full w/4 large dogs, 7 horses and 2 goats. He loves to eat apples and left over things from the garden. Loves Alfalfa hay cubes too.

He's tame but we dont get him out too much as old as he is now. We used to put his little bunny halter and leash on him and take him outside to explore but havent done that in a really long time now.
Sounds like a Dwarf Hotot. Pronounced "Hoe Tote" I had a Holland that lived to 9 and had to be put to sleep because of a tumor on his face. We removed it once and almost lost him, it took him weeks to recover. When it got so big he could eat, we put him to sleep. We have two himilayans that are 7 now. Smaller rabbits live longer just like dogs. Though 14 is amazing! Congrats on being such a good bunny mom!
ME ME!!!!! Liquorish is a mini Rex mix. His mommy and daddy are Bartholomew and Pashmina. Bart I think is the mix and Pashy is the full-blood Rex. Licorish is waaaaaay softer than Pashmina and Bart and is Midnight black! I try to get pics. He is sooooo adorable. (I have a pic of him and I wearing a cowboy hat) Or rather cowgirloy. LOLZ.
hi ya'll, I have had Californians, several types of lops and now have a lion head. She is only a few months old but maxed out in all of her 3 1/2 pounds. Watch out people, lion heads aren't the sweetest of the rabbit breads. This one is very vocal and will fight you giving greens to her. She bites and I am almost ready to get a buck to "put her in her place" maybe becoming a mother will settle her down. At least I could get a mixed breed and create a new breed for ourselves. I would want a mini lop. We had one just like a dog. He was the best. But a real presistant idiot owned dog got him and killed him just for the fun of it. It started WW3 with our neighbors because we wanted reimbursed for him. They acted like they were put out. They had no regards for neighbors when it came to their very large, intact, free running dogs. We aren't friendly with them anymore. We did try thoough. the gal acted like Wt trash about it. What ever..........their loss but our sadness because we don't have Mr. BunBun anymore. sorry to ramble. Just be aware of the lion heads!
Here is our bunny "house". They are in a pen in the day, they get shut in at night. I have three from a local auction. One rex...the others are mutts. They are all male and have been housed together for years! (One neutered). They are very attached to each other. The pen is lined with chicken wire on the sides and the whole ground is wired for digging. They have extra dirt in there to dig through!

I enjoy watching them!

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