Any chicks for sale in the central KY area? I have...


11 Years
Aug 26, 2008
Lexington, Kentucky
I have 4 week old Welsummer roo's if anyone wants to trade for pullets of any kind. I got Welsummer chicks and three out of four turned into roosters!

I would also be interested in possibly buying a few chicks if they are a good laying breed or are a fun cross. Let me know if you have anything.
I'll have some interesting crosses next Spring as my BR has been taking an interest in my Partridge Silkie, Ancona, of course his match made in heaven BR hen, Giant white Cochin, Buckeye, and Australorp...You can have some eggs or chickies next year if you like, I already know Raoul is fertile. Then on the banty side I have male Cochin bantam, BTB Jap, and BTB dutch and blue silkie in with BTB Jap, blue silkie, blue, black, and partridge Cochins, porcelain dutches. I also have a trio of Millies that are separate from the rest.


ETA: No trade necessary you can just have eggs or babies. I just gave away 6 roos as it is.
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I have 5 BLRW pullets in with 2 Copper Marans those will be the only crosses I will have maybe some fun, they just started laying and I threw a hand full in bator you are welcome to them if they hatch. Put in on the first.
Thanks!! Do you think you'll have any at Easter time next year? My daughter would love a few chicks from the easter bunny. You have so many interesting crosses, it will be a surprise what they turn out like...
Ms. Lewis Rich :

I have 5 BLRW pullets in with 2 Copper Marans those will be the only crosses I will have maybe some fun, they just started laying and I threw a hand full in bator you are welcome to them if they hatch. Put in on the first.

I would LOVE to have some of them!! Thanks so much for the offer! We have one BLRW pullet right now, and we have been looking all over the place for Marans to buy. We were going to order some from a hatchery but most seem to be sold out for the year. I wonder if the crosses will lay dark eggs...

How far do you live from Lexington? I don't mind driving to pick them up. I have an impatient toddler though, so too far of a round trip might be misery.

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