Any fellow birdwatchers out there?

Within the last few years, I've become absolutely, hopelessly addicted to wild birds. :love Has anybody else expanded their horizons from poultry to all types of avian life? If so, I'd LOVE to chat about interesting finds and observations. :) Feel free to share pictures, too!

Hi, we live in the Forest of Dean England , we have lots of trees and our nest box has a pair of great tits busy gathering twigs and bracken, today we spied a pair of woodpeckers busy gorging on peanuts from our nutfeeders, the pheasants visit for breakfast when we feed our ‘girls’
Peregrine Falcon_2.jpg

"Cleared for Takeoff......"
Has anyone done any birdwatching as of late? :)

I have a big colony of blue herons at the back of our property. 46 nesting pairs is what I counted this spring. Here is a picture of one of the nests from last season. I climbed way up a maple tree and took it with my phone. 3 chicks in the nest and one of the parents to the right. I'm going to buy an actual camera this year so I can document them better next year

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