Any first timer want to start with me? Eggs go in 4/1. ;)

I know exactly what you mean. My E G G S are just 4 days from hatching and it feels like i have been waiting years. I candled mine at 7 days and i was so thrilled by the movement inside. I have been just as concerned about harming mine and have had to remove 3 as they were not fertile but the other 9 seem okay so far.

Good luck with yours
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Ok Ok I did it!
I caved.....I went upstairs to check my bator & make sure temp and humidity were ok. Humidity was a little lower than I would like it so I HAD to add water, which meant opening the bator. I haven't had to open it since Sat when I put the e ggs in. So beings that I opened the bator and the flashlight know.....just setting there in front of me...begging me to use it....I candled some of the e ggs. I have 22 total and I only candled about 7-8 of them. The first looked completely empty, the 2nd looked 'porous'....I think thats what they call it when it looks like it has alot of air bubbles in it.
BUT I heard that these ones will hatch sometimes. The rest look like it has something dark in it but I couldn't tell. They definately looked much different than the clear empty one I candled. Hopefully that means fertile

I will not candle again til day 7......I will not candle again til day 7

Maybe if I keep saying that to myself, I won't candle til day 7...hopefully by then I can also see lil swimmers in there! Good Luck to you all!
He he, dosent having eggs make you do crazy things eh. You'll be more certain by day 7
Welp, the eggs(thanks ann and greg) went into the cooker last night.

The bator is in my 1 yr old son's bedroom... he sure did look tired this morning... the on and off of the light must have kept him up, guess I will have to do something about that.

This morning the temp was still a little low so I threw an afghan over the bator to keep the temps up. (the thermostat in the house is only set at 50* during the day)
I just put some eggs in yesterday too, and it's my first time hatching with an incubator (LG w/ turner and fan). It will be interesting to see how well they hatch; last year, my broody hen hatched 100% of the (fertile) eggs we gave her, but she was totally uninterested in taking care of the chicks. None of the hens are volunteering to help this year, so I had to get an incubator.
I'll join in on the fun!! I put 6 Maran eggs in my bator last night (so today is my Day 1, close enough).

Looking forward to see how everybody's eggs do!!

Good luck!!

If my thermometer/hygrometer is accurate, the temp has gone up as high as 102 but is staying reasonably close to 100 ... this room (basement office) is not ideal (can get chilly) but it keeps the cats, dog and kids from peeking, bumping or destroying. Humidity is staying around 30-35% with water in the wells ... not sure how to increase that when the time is right. Damp sponge?

Can't wait to try candling Monday!!
Hola! I'm a newbie; just put my first eggs in a LG (still air, auto turner) today. Always gotten day-olds before, so every part of this is new.

Incubator is in the guest room, where my seedlings are starting, so it's about 70 degrees, but lots of light 12 hours a day. Anyone know if this is problematic?

Also, got a thermometer with both the turner and the 'bater, and they read about 5 degrees different. Should I get a better one and use it? If I'm going to off a bit, which way (cooler or warmer) would be better? Thanks for the help, and I'm looking forward to comparing notes as we go! --Robyn
Buttercup you can use a damp sponge to increase humidity. I didn't have a sponge so I used a washcloth. It made my humidity go up very quick. From 30% to 41% in about 20 min if that. So I had to take it out, afraid that it would get too high. So I cut a 2" piece from the washcloth and put it in there wet and it worked much better. It might not go up as fast for you as it did for me. Good Luck:)
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