Any first timer want to start with me? Eggs go in 4/1. ;)

I have an LG still air, with turner. You can use shelf liner. I am going to put the eggs in cartons the last 3 days, so the eggs dont roll around in there. The wire rack isn't really flat.. in mine anyhow
Mine is not flat, either... the incubator is on a flat surface, but the eggs all "roll" to the middle, so that's where I set them. Probably will move to a carton when I stop turning, too. Or sooner if they keep knocking into each other when I go to turn them. It makes me nervous!
Man the posts on this forum get pushed down fast

I'm still trying to get my incubator up to temp this morning. It's stable...but at 94*, arrrggh! Hopefully it'll be warm enough and stable later today.

I just put my first batch of eggs in an incubator on 4/2. I've never done this before either!

I am a bit unorthodox. I ordered the eggs from ebay and made the incubator from a styrofoam cooler and some parts (fan from a discarded computer, light from a discarded lamp, etc.) that I got from the local dump and Walmart.

But the incubator seems to keep a pretty constant temperature of 99-101. And the humidity (a couple cans of catfood filled with water) stays at about 50%.

I have 13 eggs left since I dropped one already:( I was trying to candle them, but can't tell anything other than I'm pretty sure that they're fertilized.

I am ever hopeful that we will get some chicks and the kids' science fair project will be pretty much done months ahead of time!
My first two hatches were not great, I had about 50% both times, but I think I know why.

well, don't leave me in suspense..
...I could stand to "UP" my hatch rate.

ooops...shoulda read ALL the posts first, sorry
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I candled tonight, day 8 for me, and out of 22 eggs, I saw 2 embryos swimming around, maybe 3. There were about 6 infertile, and 3 with blood rings. The rest all seemed to have veins, some more clear than others. A few of those seem to have large air cells on both ends and its very dark in the middle, with little veins. Not sure whats going to happen with them. As of right now I know for sure that I have 2 alive. I was definately expecting more than that, but I know its still early. Im very impatient...

Again this is my first time and I hope everything goes well. Good Luck with all of your hatches!
OK...I'm 1 started. Eggs in the bator at 10:30am. Steady at 100* by 2:30pm and has stayed there for well over 7 hours.

WooHooo!...hope I end up with RIR, Speckled SUssex and BSL chickies.
Im ahead of you all as I had started 25 eggs 22 days ago. But I have started 6 eggs in the middle of the first 25. Ok here goes 20 of the first 25 were viable. Some started piping Sat evening. At 1:30am I was woke up to peep peep and the sound of egg shell scraping the bottom of the bator. 2 were hatched! I had to work so I was left in suspence much of the day. By the time I got up this morning I have a total of 15 happy little fuzzbutts!! No movement or sound from the last 5 eggs. This was my first time with the incubator so I feel pretty grand!!

I candled just a couple eggs on Day 4-5 and saw movement and veins, very neat! My daughter was really excited, then realized how many more days we have to go! Seems like it is taking for-EV-er ...
I'm forcing myself to wait until day 7 or 8 to candle, but the waiting is driving me NUTS. Every evening, my husband peeks into the incubator and complains that there aren't chickens in it yet. Tell me about it...

I'm extremely curious to see if the silkie eggs are fertile- my rooster is enormous and my silkie is tiny, and though there's mating going on, the jury is still out on whether or not it's successful mating.

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