Any first timer want to start with me? Eggs go in 4/1. ;)

Best of luck with your hatch, TheDuckCrew!
thanks! i hope i get a lot of little babies. i get to keep them all until i know their sex, then i'm keeping two girls and the rest are going to new homes.
Tonight is day 17 for me.....not too long now

So out of the 22 silkie eggs I had, I had to take 7 out for infertility...nothing but a clear egg. There were 2-3 more that seemed to possibly have a blood ring, or air cell was way too big...I left them in there just in case. Hopefully they all hatch with no problems. I only seen movement in 2 eggs and that was about a week ago I think. Since then I have not seen any movement so I hope that don't mean anything bad. Maybe they are all just sleeping when I candle?

Good Luck on everybodys hatches! The time is almost there!!!
Im on day 19 now. Just curious if anybody can help me...... Do I take the thermometers off of the eggs now? They are the ones that are on a plastic card that came with my LG bator, your supposed to lay directly on eggs. I'm not sure if I am supposed to take them off now for hatching or keep them on. Im sure one of the chicks are going to knock it off anyways when they hatch. Also I wonder how to tell correct temp when they push it off and I can't see the temp? Hmmmm? Anybody out there know? Any suggestions? Thanks

Edit: And I don't mean take it out completely, just set it on the wire rack. I have the eggs in cartons now, ready to hatch. Im afraid that a chick will knock it over and I won't be able to read what the temp is, in case I have to adjust it.
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I am a newbie at this also. I have a LG and I am the turner. I have 16 chicken eggs and 2 turkey eggs in my bator that went in on 3/31/09. So far all of them are developing into nice little babies. I have tried one hatch besides this one and failed misrabley (can't spell) at it. 12 Frizzle eggs and they all died. UGGGG:(
It was heartbreaking. Now I have done my research and feel like I somewhat know what I am doing. Sooo best of luck to everyone. Can't wait to see how everyone's hatches turn out.
Tomorrow is Day 18 ... pretty excited about it! We've had a few ups and downs but I think even the dark-shelled eggs were a go for "life" at last candling.

Tuesday will be the big test ... I have a feeling it will be nearly impossible to go to work that day!
day 16 here. I tried to candle them today but all I could see was the air sack and the rest was dark. I dont know if that is normal or if my light isnt bright enough. She did kick one out last night that was a dud.
Tonight is Day 20 for me and my silkie eggs. I was really worried about whether any of them would hatch or not. I came home about 30 min ago and I see one of them had pipped! I tried to take a pic but I can't get a clear one. I am so excited! It looks like she pipped towards the middle of the egg. I watched it for 20 min and didn't see it move at all. It pipped anywhere from 3 pm - 8 pm. I thought that when they pipped, it was towards the top of the shell? I hope she is ok, I will be glued to the bator til bedtime, and everytime I wake up in the middle of the night, which is often.
Sneaked another peek at the eggs, and everyone seems to be doing well! I could see them wiggling, which was awesome. Going to take out the egg turner tomorrow (day 18) & raise the humidity for the home stretch! I'd better hurry up and get the brooder dusted off & ready for action.

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