Any first timer want to start with me? Eggs go in 4/1. ;)

My first attempt at hatching eggs will start tomorrow morning also. I spent a week of long evenings perfecting my homemade incubator and tonight it's finally stabilzed for temperature and humidity. I have 14 White Leghorn eggs that I saved over the past week from my 5 hens. Even if only 1 hatches it will be worth all the effort, I've learned a lot!
I plan to candle the eggs after a few days to check for fertility. Does anyone know a good day to candle? Day 3, 8, 12? Any suggestions?

Thanks to all the great incubator designs and helpful topics, I don't feel so alone hatching my chickens eggs.
I have 11 silkie eggs due on monday...I am on day 19 now and see lots of rocking. I am so excited this is only my 2nd attempt at hatching in a incubator 1st time I only got 3 out of 6 to hatch and 1 died shortly after hatching. So I only got 2 healthy babies out of my 1st attempt I guess not to bad for a 1st timer.
I woke up at 4 am to cheeping! The bator is in my bedroom . I went to look and saw that my pipped egg had zipped almost the whole way. I waited an hour and she wasn't out yet. She was trying very hard though! Then I tried to lay down. 30 minutes later, the cheeping was so loud I looked again and she had the top off, so I waited again and she finally made her way out of the egg! I got my first silkie baby! I am so excited! Her color looks either black or blue, not sure yet. I can't take pics in the bator cuz there not coming out right. Tonight will be day 21 and I haven't seen another one even pip yet.....
Helppppp!! Can't remember if I am supposed to take the red plugs out of the bator. I have an LG. It is day 20 and I have one that is pipping towards the middle and I can here it chirping. I don't know what to do.
My little baby has died....

Last night about 18 hrs after hatching I had to remove her from the bator because she had her foot stuck in the wire bottom. Out of the 14 eggs left, there was only one pip. I didn't want to open the bator but had no choice imo. I didn't want her getting hurt. Last night was 21 days. I put her in a hatcher and she was noisy for an hour...then I heard nothing. I went to have a look, thinking she took a nap and she was dead. I don't know what happened. Im so devastated! I watched her pip, zip and make her way into this world and now..shes gone. Its very sad! The other egg hasn't started zipping yet, still looks the same. I did hear alot of noise that Im sure was coming from the pipped egg from morning til about 4-5 pm. and I haven't heard a peep since. Im hoping everythings alright. Nothing else with the other eggs. Tonight is day 22 so Im starting to worry now.
nstamper2000, I was told to take out both of the plugs in my LG still air on day 18-19. If humidity gets too low to put the plug back in just a little bit.
Today is Day 19 for me. As of this morning, nothing yet! Getting excited!!

Congrats on the pip xpButtercup.

Sorry about your loss browneyebuttafly.


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