Any first timer want to start with me? Eggs go in 4/1. ;)

Day 20, and nothing yet. Temp looks fine, but I'm having trouble keeping the humidity high enough. Perhaps issues with the shelf lining stuff that I put in there? All the wells are full, plus 2 extra dishes of water.
Must...NOT... poke...incubator...
I wish I'd taken the shelf liner out when I stopped turning the eggs, I'm sure it is hampering the evaporation. We set up our cool mist humidifier in the room and finally got up to 60% using it ... we'd had water in the wells, plus a damp washcloth and a damp sponge and couldn't exceed 50% ...
Yeah, I think I'll go ahead & set up my humidifier next to the incubator. I'm not wild about getting my clothes all soggy (bator is in the closet), but it should just be for a couple of days.
Ok guys, I have 5 new babies hatched out and 4 more pips. I had 1 more that hatched a little yellow baby but did not make it. All others are doing great. I will keep you posted. Keep your fingers crossed and say a little prayer!

I was wondering, did any of your other babies hatch? I am soo sorry to hear about your little one. That is hard to watch them go thru all that and then you think they are fine and then that happens. I hope you have good news on your others. Nik
None of mine made it.
I had the one hatch, then die and another one pip. I was told to wait 36 hrs after pip to help. I was too late. She was in the air sac, but I think it was maybe too dry for her to zip and she suffocated? Not sure. I waited 2 more days and opened up all the others (13). Each one appeared to be fully developed but 'shrink wrapped' From what I read, I think this means that the humidity was too low? Anyone know? OR maybe I screwed things up when I had to open the bator at day 21 to get the hatched baby out because she had her foot stuck in the stupid wire bottom! Im not sure which caused the others to or the humidity dropping. Im also not quite sure if my thermos/hygros were right on. I am now calibrating all of them so I am sure next time the exact numbers.
Buttercup: Im glad you got a little baby...she's so cute!!!
nstamper: Congrats on your lil ones too!
e from nc & bil: I hope you get some lil fuzzy butts too!

As for me, I was devastated and did not want to do this again. But, I can't resist. 'Practice makes perfect' and now I have learned alot more info than I did when I started my first hatch...I only read about 300 hrs worth the info the last month!!! I would definately recommend to everybody here to calibrate your thermos/hygros before starting. I have heard sometimes they can be off enough to kill a hatch!

Good Luck to you all!!!

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