Any first timer want to start with me? Eggs go in 4/1. ;)

went out this morning and the chick didnt make it. I would have been suprised if it did, she didnt really seemed concerned about it. I think she may have kicked it out. Theres another one peeping but not pecked the shell yet. Im worried she wont be a good mom
Big News: Three pips today all within the last hour!! Several eggs are chirping away.

I am so sorry to hear about the drowned chick. I will be putting rocks into my water soon.

One of my eggs was dropped and cracked at around day 3 or 4. I melted some hot candle wax over it and placed it back into the bator. I listened to it this morning and heard it chirping (it hasn't pipped yet!). I wasn't really expecting it to come this far!
My mother is babysitting today (daycare lady is on vacation)

Just got an email "HENrietta" is out and about.

Edit: and now "Blonde" is too.
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So my kidos love to collect eggs its like a easter egg hunt everyday. So one day bk in April we had a bad storm me and the 15 yr old ran to the outside duck area and gathered them up threw them in the barn with the chickens for 2 days. Anyway daughter came in with what she thought were duck eggs they were way biggier then the chickens we normally get. So I had the flu she put them in no date :O like the ones I put in while I was on cold meds LOL. So I was checking them and looked at the row of now 16 duck eggs saw to odd balls did not look like the rest of the ducks so i candled a few i knew were duck eggs put in the same day as odd ball ones they all looked the same. I then candled the odd ones next to the ones i knew for sure were chickens they filled up almost all the egg looked the same so they must be chickens. So in a few days we shall see what the unusually lrg eggs are I cant waite its like waiting for Christmas to open gifts.

Crossing fingers eggs hatch and survive

this is my first time hatching
collected 14 duck eggs 14 are doing great at day 18
collected 27 chicken eggs 4 non fertile 3 bloodrings
20 left and looking good
How long did it take between the pip and the chick emerging?

We got pips at around 8 am and there is no change yet
Beautiful babies, and AWESOME pic! Sending good hatching vibes your way!

Crazymom, I just had my 1st pip @ 8am, too! It pipped another spot a little while ago...I...think...I...might...go...crazy...WAITING!
My first one pipped between 3-8 pm and was completely hatched out by 4:30 am. Second one pipped early afternoon and 24 hrs later, I heard chirping but no more pipping or zipping. Unfortunately she never made it out. I should've helped. They say it could take up to 24 hrs or longer. Just make sure its not dried out....thats what happened to mine. If you hear that the chirps are getting weaker and quieter, she might need some help. Its still early right now, I'd keep an eye on her.

Backpack: beautiful babies! Congrats!

I wish I could take good pics like that! I got a good camera too! I think its just the bad lighting in the room....or I just stink
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