Any first timer want to start with me? Eggs go in 4/1. ;)

Just hatched the second one. There is something stuck to her umbilical cord. Looks like egg yolk....

The first chick didn't have that. Does anyone know what this is? Is that normal?
Mine had some goo stuck to their umbilical cord. In fact I even had to tie a tiny piece of thread to one's cord and cut to keep it from bleeding. I know sounds crazy but it dried up and they are doing great now. Here are some updated pics of the ones that hatched out on Sunday and Monday.






They are already growing. I can't believe it. My little babies are growing up already!!! LOL
I had one hatch on day 18. I felt sorry for him/her all by him/herself, so I made her (wishful thinking) a little tiny brooder with a stuffed doggie toy. My DD and I carried her around with us for a day and a half to keep her company until her siblings decided to join her. 2 more hatched two days later, but nothing since. There are four more eggs in there, it is day 24, should I give up on the remaining eggs or just wait a few more days?
We've already named them, too. The first one is a BO X EE that came from a friend of mine named Phillip, so her name is Phyllis. The next two are the offspring of my DD's hen, Flower, so they are Lilly and Lilac. The last little hatchling is from my hen, Candy, so her name is Cookie. Aren't we pathetic? These were experiments so we could learn how to use the incubator until my shipped eggs could arrive. I love my experiments! They sit on the couch and watch TV with us. Gawd - we are pathetic!
Happy Hatching, Everyone. This hatching stuff is just so cool!
(edited because typing is too complicated for me) *sigh*
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Finally got some pics of my hatchlings:

2 on the left are easter-eggers, black one is silkie hen x giant black sex-link/wyandotte rooster, one on the right is black sex link/wyandotte mix.


A close-up of the silkie mix. I'm very curious to see how he/she turns out!


The brown easter-egger is sorta funny-looking... his curly toes on one foot straightened out over the course of the day, but the other foot is still curled. It might need an orthopedic boot of some kind


crazymom-- a couple of mine had some umbilical cord goo, but it seemed to clear up on its own after a few hours.

Gorgeous chicks everybody! And good luck to those who are still hatching...
crazymom: its probably the yolk sac that wasnt absorbed by the chick. If its yellow, and covered in veins, its the yolk and don't cut it, just keep it moist. If it is by the rear, it might be the 'poop sac'. Well nevermind, you said its coming off of the umbilical cord so its the yolk. I read to leave them alone if there is no veins and they should dry up the next day.
Border Kelpie- We named our eggs, too! The kids got to pick names. That way we could keep track of which eggs were candled, which ones we were watching, etc. Once they are hatched, it is hard to tell which one is Sparkles Beauty Princess and which one is Joe! lol

I am pretty certain that the sack was yolk. I'm leaving it alone. The chicken certainly seems healthy, though.

We have had 3 chicks hatch with no problems, and my husband helped 2. (He just couldn't stop himself. They pipped and after 12 hours he gave them a small opening.) 1 of these already hatched and the other is almost out. There is chirping from at least 1 other egg. The last 4 are unknown.

This is really an experiment for us, too. I made the incubator from a $2 cooler from Walmart. I cut a hole in it and hot glued an empty CD case so we could look through and see any action. Then I put a light with a dimmer to heat and a CPU fan to circulate the air. Of yeah, I used a highly technical humidity system of cat food cans filled with water (and a big purple sponge during the last 3 days). Almost all of our materials came from stuff we had around the house (cat food can, jewel cases,) and scavenging from the put-and-take spot at the dump (light housing, cpu fan from a discarded computer). The whole thing cost around $10. And took maybe a hour. And my hatch rate is around 50% (not counting the eggs that I dropped) I am so proud of myself! Now the kids have their next year's science fair project done!
Good Job crazymom! Thats awesome you built it for $10 and was a success! I wanted to build my own but was too nervous I'd mess it up so I just bought an LG.

Oh BTW, those are great names! lol Kids are great!
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omg!!! that is awsome im gonna remember that..if u dont care if i steal ideas for my coop? haha im new here and found you all by looking up ideas for a chicken coop...i have never done this b4!!
OH no....its contagious !
now today one of my EEs is sitting on 1 egg, she was in the box on someone elses egg and the other EE made here move, I saw it, thought it was odd....oh well. Well I just found her in the corner of the coop, all the others went outside, its not like her, shes usually the first one out. Tried to move her and she rolled that egg right back under her.
My broody just hatched 3 and one more pipping today. I dont even need that many. Ive got to try to get her to stop.

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