Any Guesses On My New Flock?


6 Years
Aug 26, 2013
Picked up a mixed flock of birds tonight, and the seller knew absolutely nothing about them so I really had no idea what I was getting until I arrived to pick them up. They are in need of serious need of some TLC and quality feed, but are all in all quite nice birds. I didn't get any pictures as I was too concerned with getting them settled in the quarantine pen for the night. Tomorrow I will
The mature rooster is partridge coloured but has a light gold/bright straw coloured hackle, a dark red walnut or very large rose comb, feathered feet and five toes on his pale pink legs. (Salmon Faverolle cross?)
There is a hen with a small rose/walnut comb, she's a sooty white (maybe dirty though) with blueish legs and no extra toes. Their son -I assume- is identical to a white langshan only he has a single comb.
There is a buff coloured hen with a small head tuft with blue legs who has 3 chicks sired by the mature roo: white, yellow legs, 4 toes; white, blue legs, 5 toes; buff, blue legs, 5 toes. All chicks have tuffets like mom.
All the birds lay brown eggs.
I'm very curious as to what my new little diamonds in the rough are!

I also have a cream coloured chick about 2 months old with randomly placed brown feathers who is displaying some frizzled traits as well. Combination of regular and frizzly feathers - odd looking to say the least! I got her in a selection of various purebred chicks as a hatchling, she was supposed to be a white Leghorn but I have my doubts. Single comb, pale pink legs on her.

If anyone wants to take guesses, please feel free!
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Pictures would help.
Sorry about the lighting, it definitely doesn't do him justice but my QT pen is in the back of my barn:

Here's the hen:

And my young pullet (remember this one is unrelated to the above. She is also half the size of the other chicks hatched with her - barred, amers, columbians):
Looks to me the flock had a prolific silkie a few generations back. The rooster and hen both show silkie influence, but I'm not sure it was as recent as a parent. The hen looks to maybe have some cochin in her as well, she's got that fluffy rounded body. You appear to have what you stated, a mixed flock. Enjoy them!
What would the other influence be? The rooster has gorgeous colours, its almost partridge but yet akin to a SF, I was thinking SF and Brahma cross?
They are an interesting crew!

Any guesses on the pullet? I don't think the breeder had anything frizzly so I am at a loss as to why she looks so homey.

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