Any guesses what these pretty babies are yet?

Byrd gal

Dec 31, 2020
Sw ohio
A gift of chicks but I have no idea what they are. If mutts what do they resemble? Hubby says sparrows.šŸ˜ 


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They seem to have single combs not pea combs, going by the photos but it's hard to tell for sure. Half the time I can't tell between my single and pea comb pullets when they're young and running around so fast.

Could be any kind of partridge coloured breed at this point! They look like pullets though šŸ˜€
They seem to have single combs not pea combs, going by the photos but it's hard to tell for sure. Half the time I can't tell between my single and pea comb pullets when they're young and running around so fast.

Could be any kind of partridge coloured breed at this point! They look like pullets though šŸ˜€
What are some partridge colored breeds if you don't mind?
What are some partridge colored breeds if you don't mind?
Hmmm let's see, partridge rocks, brown leghorns, quite a few easter eggers are that color as previous posters said, but I think your Littles have single combs so if easter eggers, theyve ended up with a single comb not a pea comb. Most kinds of game fowl are partridge coloured. Partridge is the 'wildtype' color, with brown penciled hens and the elaborate, red green blue roosters, the postcard kind of rooster. They might be a cross of two different breeds.

Someone with more experience than me might disagree about the comb type they have, but if it's a single comb that does narrow it down for you.

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