Any Home Bakers Here?



BYC Staff
Premium Feather Member
10 Years
Dec 12, 2013
For the past year I've been learning how to bake yeast breads here at home. It's been challenging and rewarding (when it all comes together right, lol).

Today for the 1st time I made up a Boule recipe and ran into a snag. Is there anyone here that's familiar with yeast breads? Since I'm here several times a day reading about chickens, it would be great to chat with others that also bake.
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Hi, I do not do any baking but my wife does. She is a good baker and I have the tummy to prove it. LOL.

Here is a link to her recipe page on her website and she has a recipe for home made bread. Hope the link works.

Good luck!

The link worked fine and I enjoyed your wife's website. I'll give her bread recipe a try, thank you for sharing it
I bake, I love when my house smells like home made bread and then to eat it fresh out of the oven with a bit of butter. Oh my. My new passion is I have been researching sour dough because I love it as does my stepson and to be able to make it at home would be awesome. I also love making baked goods, I can my produce from my garden, I cook anything and everything I can get my hands on a recipe for, and have also taken to making home made dog treats. I spend my time outside on BYC or pinterest. LOL.

I would love to swap recipes or have others willing to offer advice, great idea you have here.
I bake, I love when my house smells like home made bread and then to eat it fresh out of the oven with a bit of butter. Oh my. My new passion is I have been researching sour dough because I love it as does my stepson and to be able to make it at home would be awesome. I also love making baked goods, I can my produce from my garden, I cook anything and everything I can get my hands on a recipe for, and have also taken to making home made dog treats. I spend my time outside on BYC or pinterest. LOL.

I would love to swap recipes or have others willing to offer advice, great idea you have here.

Yay, so glad to hear from another baker! The bread recipe I was working on when I first posted was for a sourdough-like bread, interesting recipe, but had some issues with it.

I'll be back later today/tonight when I have more time. Have to get ready to go out to start the day's chores.
Yay, so glad to hear from another baker! The bread recipe I was working on when I first posted was for a sourdough-like bread, interesting recipe, but had some issues with it.

I'll be back later today/tonight when I have more time. Have to get ready to go out to start the day's chores.
Just finished mine, and am now enjoying a large cup of hot coffee!!
My most cherished memories are growing up and my Grandpa making white bread and the entire house smelled like home. He taught me the way to tell if the bread is done is to thump it and if it sounds hollow its done!! I do that to this day.
I love making stuffed breads of all kinds, that is what is on the menu for Thanksgiving. I am having my family from Connecticut come down for the holidays here in AL and I am beyond thrilled to be able to cook for 18 people!! Normally it is me and my fiance and once a month my 17 year old step son comes home.

My new goal is to master both sour dough and cinnamon rolls, I found a recipe for pumpkin cinnamon rolls that I am excited about!!

My recipe for my basic bread dough is 5 ingredients and from the Grit magazine. If you are interested I will post if for you!!!!
We seem to have a lot in common, lol.

My Grandma gave me my 1st interest in baking. She was the baker for the local school (grades K-12) and boarded the single teachers in her small town. Loved it when she could come visit us...we would come home from school to find the kitchen counters covered with homemade doughnuts, cinnamon rolls and kolaches! My aunt put together a book of Grandma's recipes but I can't follow them as it's all a "pinch of this" and a "spoon of that".

For the past year since the hubster & I have been building our little farm, I've really gotten trying to master yeast breads. So far I have learned to make a rustic Italian bread (that's what is rising in the kitchen right now), Kaiser rolls, and omg the most delicious cinnamon rolls. I keep trying others but they certainly aren't "mastered" yet (rye bread, soft pretzels, bagels, sourdough).

Grit sends me a regular emailed newsletter and I enjoy reading that. Would love to see your 5-ingrediant bread recipe! Curious about the stuffed breads you mention, what do you stuff them with?

If you want the rustic Italian (very simple) recipe or the cinnamon roll one let me know and I'll be glad to share.

So glad to find a fellow baker!
I too am excited!!
I would love you recipes I love trading them and I even have a cook notebook (with recipe cards) to put all the recipes I have. I collect local cookbooks from churches and benefits. I love them its like having peoples stories at my finger tips.

Here is the recipe I talked about. It says making bread in five minutes a day (and its true!!!)

recipe is made in a stand mixer.
3 cups warm water
1 1/2 tablespoons salt ( I use kosher or sea salt!!)
1 1/2 tablespoons yeast
6 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

Put water in mixer bowl ( i warm it up first to not drop the temp of the water down)
add salt (first before yeast I was shocked but went with it and it works and won't harm the yeast)
sprinkle the yeast over the water
measure out flour and dump it in the mixer

put mixer on slowest speed then turn it up to #2 or #3 just until is it all mixed and pulls away from the edge of the bowl

Let rest for 2 hours, ( i cover mine with a warm towel and I found the best place to put mine is in the microwave it is free of drafts and stays warm!!!)

When you are heating the oven place a pan that will hold water in while it heats up and just before you put the bread in put a few cups of water in the pan I use a 9x13
put bread in at 350 and bake for 60 minutes

best and easiest bread recipe to date!!!
I made focaccia bread this past weekend, with yellow peppers, onions and feta cheese it was a huge hit. I made it out of my five minute pizza dough recipe my Mom gave me. I use that recipe for pizza, flat breads and fried dough.

When I stuff breads I use any bread recipe and after it raises I roll it out to maybe a 1/4 to 1/2 inch. then I add meats, veggies and cheeses. I love sausage and broccoli. I have made pepperoni and cheese. I love spinach and feta. So many possibilities. I am a huge feta cheese fan with fresh bread because the salty and the yeast flavors go so well together.

here is the 5 minute pizza dough recipe

1 pck yeast
1 tsp sugar
1 cup warm water
2 1/2 cups flour
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp salt

put yeast and sugar with warm water in the mixing bowl
let rest 5 minutes
add flour salt and olive oil mix till dough comes away from the edge of the bowl
let it rest for 5 more minutes

I par-bake my crust so it is cooked and the I add my toppings

recipe says to bake it at 450 degrees but i lean more towards 400

but i have used the broiler to make my cheese brown and yummy
Your recipes look good, especially the focaccia! That's the kind of thing the 2 of us really go for

I got my cinnamon roll recipe from King Arthur's website, I've tried several different recipes but this one makes the rolls we like best. Since you have a stand mixer (that's what I use too), I'm just going to copy/paste the directions on here:

Cinna-Buns from KAF

1 cup (8 ounces) lukewarm milk
2 large eggs, room temperature
1/3 cup (2 5/8 ounces) unsalted butter, cut up
4 1/2 cups (19 1/2 ounces) All-Purpose Flour
1 3/4 teaspoons salt
1/2 cup (3 1/2 ounces) sugar
2 1/2 teaspoons instant yeast

1/3 cup (2 5/8 ounces) unsalted butter, softened
1 cup (7 1/4 ounces) brown sugar, packed
3 tablespoons (3/4 ounce) ground cinnamon

one 3-ounce package cream cheese, softened
1/4 cup (2 ounces) unsalted butter, softened
1 1/2 cups (6 ounces) glazing or confectioners’ sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

Manual/Mixer Method: Combine all of the dough ingredients in a large mixing bowl, stirring till the mixture becomes cohesive. Transfer the dough to a lightly oiled work surface, and knead it for 5 to 8 minutes, till it’s smooth. Or knead it in an electric mixer, using the dough hook, for 4 to 7 minutes at medium speed. Place the dough in a lightly oiled bowl, turn to grease all sides, cover the bowl with a proof cover or plastic wrap, and let it rise for 60 minutes, till it’s nearly doubled in bulk.
My note: I use the mixer for kneading, the oiled surface kneading is messy!

Assembly: Transfer the dough to a lightly greased work surface, and roll it into a 16 x 21-inch rectangle. Spread the dough with the 1/3 cup butter. Mix the brown sugar and cinnamon, and sprinkle it evenly over the dough.
My note: Rolling the dough on a greased surface was a mess for me, I do mine on a lightly floured surface

Starting with a short end, roll the dough into a log, and cut it into 12 slices. Place the buns in a lightly greased 9 x 13-inch pan. Cover the pan with a proof cover or plastic wrap, and let the buns rise until they’re nearly doubled, about 30 minutes.

Bake the buns in a preheated 400°F oven until they’re golden brown, about 15 minutes. While the buns are baking, make the icing.

Icing: In a small bowl, beat together the cream cheese, butter, sugar, and vanilla. Spread the icing on the buns while they’re warm. Yield: 12 big buns.

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