Any hope for these poor eggs?

Riding steady at 100 degrees..... I think I'll leave now. Too bad, it's such a gorgeous day I wish I could stay home and plant flowers and look after my babies.....
When I got off work today the temp in the box was 95. I really hope it wasn't for too long and that my chicks are still ok. I had the incubator still going in case of emergency and the humidity and temp were pretty consistent. I said to myself "hell with it" and put them in the bator. The temp is still pretty consistent, the humidity fluctuates between 75-80 which I hope isn't too high for lockdown. I've noticed that the styrofoam bator holds humidity pretty well and I know now not to freak out and add water every hour. I've also been reading hatch horrer stories when temp and humidity go wrong. What's the more crucial stage, the beginning, middle, or end? I hope that since the first 18 days were with momma that they got a great start. I'm so nervous about these last few... With the cold spells and spikes and drops in temperature. If any of my chicks are unable to hatch, I've decided not to assist.
By day 18 they are generating a bit of heat on their own. You're doing better for them than their chicken mama did, whatever happens. But you have a lot more stress in trying!
Today is day 21 and nothing. I don't hear pipping and I don't see the eggs moving at all. I'm hoping they're just taking an extra day due to getting cold..... I'll keep my fingers crossed for tomorrow.......
Day 22 and still nothing...... Not a pip, peep, or jiggle. Still holding out hope.... We've been riding steady at 100 temp with 65-70 humidity.
Fingers crossed for first hatch took 23 days and they were in the incubator the whole time (thermometer was junk n my Temps were low).. but I still had a decent hatch.. if you open the bator, give the eggs a couple 'pecks' with your fingernail.. if they are pipped, they may cheep at you
Is it safe open the bator now? I thought lockdown meant absolutely no messing around with the eggs at this critical time. Will it hurt anything?
Fingers crossed for first hatch took 23 days and they were in the incubator the whole time (thermometer was junk n my Temps were low).. but I still had a decent hatch.. if you open the bator, give the eggs a couple 'pecks' with your fingernail.. if they are pipped, they may cheep at you

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