Any hope for these poor eggs?

I would avoid it..I keep mine in a small bathroom and keep the heat and humidity in that room close to that of the bator so I probably do a lot more messing with mine than anyone should truthfully. .but no, in general you want to keep it closed..but if for whatever reason you do open it..the pecks simulate mama hen and may encourage them a little (I also do it to the windows on the bator).. do u have any chicks from a different Source? I try to keep a couple in the same room come hatch time in the hopes that the peeps will encourage the hatchers..personal preference, have no idea if it effects hatch at all
If you have access to a small room like a bathroom where you can dramatically raise the temp and humidity..opening it for a quick peek or tap won't hurt want to avoid changes in humidity right now tho bc it can lead to shrink wrapped or sticky chicks
If you have access to a small room like a bathroom where you can dramatically raise the temp and humidity..opening it for a quick peek or tap won't hurt want to avoid changes in humidity right now tho bc it can lead to shrink wrapped or sticky chicks[/quote
Thanks. my issue is that my silkie stopped sitting suddenly at day 18. They got cold and stayed that way for at least 10 hours. I borrowed an incubator from the neighbor but I'm afraid it was too late. It's now day 23 and I still don't any movement. I'll give it until tommorow, then I'll toss them.
:( my silkies seem to either hatch early or late.. I don't think I've ever had them hatch on 21..but if you're still not seeing any movement you may be right..they are hard to see at this stage but I usually look for the V in the egg, then in that gap in the V is where I look for movement (I know I didn't explain that right but that's the best I've but if you're going to see movement, it will be there or of course if they're pipping be extra safe I'd give them another day or 2 but after day 25 I'd personally be done..but just from my (limited) experience I'd hold out til at least day 25
Well, we just candled one and there was no movement at all, so we candles all of them and they, too were all still. We decided to do an eggtopsy and it was a fully developed chick but it was shrink wrapped. I think day 18 was too critical a time to be messing around with the humidity. I had them in a box with a sponge for day 18 and 19 until the humidity was regulated with the incubator and that's probably when they died. I'm so sad. Thank you to everyone who tried to help me. Maybe I'll start fresh..... The incubator is still on.... Haven't decided yet....
So very sorry :'(
But you are time like the present to shake yourself off and try again..
You did the best for them, all we can really do sometimes..sometimes we succeed and others we dont..that's one of the hardest things about raising any animal to me..all of my critters are pets..regardless of whether they were supposed to be or not..
Wish you the very best if you decide to set some fresh..don't forget all the fluffy butt pictures for the next set ♡♡

Edited to add...I don't think it was your fault at all.. I would personally think it was the hours set getting cold when mama gave up..or maybe something else was wrong and that's why mama abandoned them? Please don't be hard on yourself ♡
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