Any idea what they are mixed with and/or what is up with their hair??


8 Years
May 3, 2011
Bradleyville, MO
I got these two chickens a few weeks ago. The guy told me they were Ameraucana mixes. Recently they have both grown quite impressive hairdo's. Is it just a quirk, or could they be mixed with something like a Polish or something along those lines? They are 6 weeks old. Oh, and if you have any guesses on if they are boys are girls, I would appreciate it. Thanks!!

Chick one: This one has 5 toes



Chick two:




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No help on gender.. but those are the cutest things I have ever seen.. I love them!!

ETA: I really want that first pic as my wallpaper.. haha
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Could well have some Polish in them. We have a half Polish with a hairdo about like that. The five toes may suggest some Salmon Faverolli in the background. (or silkie LOL)
They look exactly like my three that are half Ameraucana and half Polish did at that age. I don't have any good pictures of them at that age. I have one from when she was about 2 months old.

She's the one in the middle.
It's hard to say, I have my own mystery that I can't solve. I have Brabanter chickens and their doo is supposed to face forward and I appear to have hatched a Brabanter cross (can't explain otherwise) that must have come from the dark side of my coop (main rooster is Jersey Giant) and the chick is turning into a beautiful back hen with a fetching doo all her own. Unless there's a stray gene in the genetic pool. I am still scratching my head over mine. I actually have two chicks that look like this from two back to back hatches. Guess the momma hen has to work this out of her system so to speak before I get my purebred chicks again.


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