Any idea what this foundling rooster could be?


10 Years
Sep 25, 2009
My co-worker had a rooster get into her back yard numerous times over the weekend. They kept putting him back over the 8' privacy fence, but he kept returning. Their terrier would go after him so they had to keep putting the dog up and locking the doggie door. Yesterday the rooster showed up with another rooster, so they went looking for anyone in their neighborhood that might have chickens and couldn't find anyone. I told her that she could bring the roos to me and I would keep them. If the owners showed up, I would just bring them back.
I now have the 2roos in my quarantine pen and while one of them looks like a regular young RIR roo, the other young roo (barely have nubs where spurs would be) is pretty interesting looking. He's more of a goldish red with a slight crest of reddish/black feathers. He also has tiny feathers starting to grow on his legs, not like a Cochin, much more sparse. It basically looks like a regular chicken leg, but if you really look you will see goldish feather tips coming out of the side of his legs. Any ideas of what he could be?

Here is a bad pictures of him. I couldn't get a photo of his legs because they were just too upset and I didn't want to handle them more needlessly.

It's a full-sized bird.
I will try and get a better photo this evening when I get home. I would have done better yestersday, but, as I mentioned, they were pretty stressed out and I didn't want to bother them more than I had to.

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