Any ideas what can make 9 chickens disappear in 4 1/2 hours?


10 Years
Sep 6, 2009
Le Roy, NY
Left for work this morning and since we built a new coop and did not get the fence put up yet, I let my chickens free range. They usually free range only when I am home, but all is usually well. And I figure, what's the difference if I am home and inside vs not home, right? (wrong) Came home for lunch, which I never do cause it's not real close to work and found only 3 birds (and my broody hen) left, out of 12! I know there is a fox around and I see hawks flying around, but my birds are real good at avoiding the hawks. I have watched them when the hawks fly, and I can't imagine that even a pair of hawks would take 9 birds, especailly since pickles was a huge chicken. Fox? I suppose it could be anything. No signs of any fight at all, no tracks that I could see, nothing. the 3 birds that are left were in the coop when I got home (but it is raining). I am very upset, I knew that this sort of thing could happen, but I expected large numbers to be missing if something happened at night, not during the day. 9, 9 freakin chickens, all the show birds I bought!!! Hopefully the broody hen comes through with some chicks this week. omg,

well, it's been many hours and we spent all afternoon looking for them, no signs at all. very odd, these were not mouth sized birds either, I don't see how a coyote/fox could carry more than 1 at 1 time. but I don't know. I am gonna close the coop up for the night as the sun is setting and hope I get some returning in the morning. I am not very hopefull though. It is almost feasible that someone came and took my birds, but they are real hard to catch, but there are only 3 mutt chickens missing and all the rest were not. grrrr, stupid me, plenty of room in the coop.

Update #2 3/24/10
1 chicken came home yesterday morning, it had rained all day yesterday, but today it is sunny. Searched for 3 hours this mornin and no sign, no crowing, no feathers, no blood. getting tired and running out of ideas. I thought maybe a birdnapping via people, but idk, doesn't seem likely. Seems as though something scared them away, hope more return.
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It's possible that a predator did come by and they are all still hiding. When I've had attacks on my free range crew, it takes about 30-60 minutes for them to come out of hiding.
2 legged predator? Who would pass up free dinners for a week! And eggs to boot! People would be my guess. Thats alot of birds with out a trace?????

Hope you get them back!!

Good Luck and God Bless!
Mine have wandered off during the day a time or two. They have always come back at dusk to roost. Hopefully yours will too. Don't give up hope yet!!
Coyotes, bobcat, fox-all possibilities. If there aren't feathers strewn all over the place, there are strong possibilities that many of your chickens will return this evening. It doesn't take long for a predator to scatter an entire flock. Hope they return.

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