Any ideas what can make 9 chickens disappear in 4 1/2 hours?

pour sardine juice on the trap is what i do used to catch them all the time make a trail of dines all the way in work for me sucker just stole about 20 bay rabbits from me but i got two running around
I use sardine all the time for most critters. for canines tho urnie is better. With sardines theur chances of catching a skunk , coon , Opossum go way up and I dont think they have the trapping expierence to live release the skunk with out getting stinky.
GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR I hate foxes!!!! I'm over in Nunda, when I left for work at 5:30 am today I looked up at that full moon and thought to myself "I betcha a fox is gonna come huntin' with that full moon!" Sure enough, I get home and my husband says "uh Honey, how many younger cuckoo marans did you have...........?"

:hitWell that's never a good sign! I think the fox took about 4 from what I can tell. The coop is locked up tight tonight and DH is going to intall those red light things on all 4 sides of the coop, supposedly they deter wild animals?

So sorry about your loss, I usually have one fox a year take off with some chooks, this is my first spring with a proper coop but I haven't been closing the pop door, that's what I get I guess.!!!!

p.s. My DH used to catch wild animals and he says that's a good size Fox, I hope you get him! keep the shotgun handy and Happy Hunting!

Good luck catching him. The only luck I've had with cage traps for foxes and yotes has been with a chicken as bait in a small cage. The trap I built for this had a bump stick to trigger instead of a pull type. You can build one with an extra trap door to protect the chicken once the fox is caught. I wouldn't worry about any pups in a den. It's that time of year but do you really want to raise more chicken stealing foxes before you dispatch this one? A 22lr will do the job with a good shot. Foot hold traps are the easiest to catch them in but they are hard on our four legged friends. The hardest thing is getting your neighbors dog out of one.
I have a .270 browning for my critter gun. I told DH he needed to bring me something down from the man cave that had better range and knock down then the .22 but that wouldn't hurt me to shoot. The only prob. I have with my .270 is that it's a bolt action so I only get one shot. Mostly that's not a problem, but once in awhile we get packs of yotes and it would be nice to have more shot options.
Ya, my 22 is bolt action, but with practice it doesn't matter all that much. Besides, target practice is great release of anger and frustration. Thank you for saying not to worry about the pups in the den. Honestly, If this fox brings the young over here then I am really in trouble. Sorry Taj about your losses. Do you free range? That's how I lost my 7 and have since put up a fence and don't free range unless I am standing guard. No fox in 1 1/2 days, I guess we scared him good, too bad my DH missed (he says the scope is off, I checked and it is). the fox wont be so lucky next time as I removed the scope and will use the iron sites, he's done for. Enjoy the fabulous weather (those of you around ny atleast)!
I'm glad you're not planning to trap it and will shoot instead. That fox looks more like a coyote. It lookes pretty long-legged to be a fox. Either way, I hope it has moved on and doesn't bother your birds anymore.
soon, I hope. But it was so quiet here that I caught a bunny on my game cam. I wondered if he had eaten them all cause that's all I ever used to see on the game camera. Guess there are still a few. This whole experience makes me wonder if there maybe holes in my plan to evade predators. We planned for coyotes, bear, hawks, racoons, minks but did not realize until recent that fox are not really a nighttime worry, but a dusk & dawn worry. I hate learning the hard way.

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