Any ideas what she is?better pics added

She's either a mutt (which includes Cornish, Wyandotte, or Easter Egger in her)

Or she's a really poor quality example of the above listed. . . Although as in EE, she's different than most. She looks like she has poor lacing.
She looks like she has Leghorn in her. The Leghorns we have had are fast and can fly better than our other laying breed chickens. She is a pretty hen.
She looks EXACTLY like one of our hens, Pippin! From those pictures, she is the spitting image!
Here she is. We know that Pippin is a white EE x Leghorn (probably)
She is our best layer, gives us green eggs almost every day from her father's side.
'cept, of course, yours is probably a banty cross whereas our is standard.




When she was younger (far left)

ETA: not only does she look identical, she is everything else you described: spazzy, flighty, hard to catch, hard to photograph...
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