Any ideas?

My welsumer eggs are dark and speckled, but they can get lighter towards the end of a clutch. Both could be welsumers but if they are, I'm guessing Flower is a girl and Uno a boy.
Awesome thanks :) I would love them to be welsummers :) do they ever lay cream eggs though? That was my main reason for thinking at least flower was something else

Pure Welsummers lay very dark brown eggs (usually with even darker speckles on them) but with hatchery grade Welsummers you can sometimes get much lighter brown eggs. Also, a cream colored egg could still indicate that you have an Easter Egger (even with the yellow legs).
I feather sexed them... I don't know if whatever breed they are is one that works with but they both came up female... They are however really getting their combs now. Flower will just stand there and let me pet her. Uno doesn't really care either. Uno hatched first a day early and flower was that night or something like that. Uno is very big.
Probably not them then neither egg was particularly white. They're what they use in industrial farms right- leghorns

Correct, except commercial laying houses normally use White Leghorns rather than Brown Leghorns; not because the eggs are a different color (they are both white), but because the best laying strains of Leghorns are White Leghorns.

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