Any Of You Ever lived In A Haunted House?

I've had those exact feelings.

You're usually very vulnerable if you're extremely tired/exhausted. I experienced sleep paralysis or whatever you want to call the hospital after the birth of my first child. And again after a long hike on the Appalachian trail......we really didn't bring enough food/drinks with us......after I got home and crashed into bed I had 2 encounters with this phenom...............

I had this experience: we had a home on the other side of town that we owned for 15 years. We had our two children growing up there and it just had a lot of firsts for us and it was a really cute home to start out in. This house had a lot of really good feelings with it.
So I think our imprint was there. We had three buyers for it, but couldn't sell it for some reason, so we had it rented out and took a loss on some of our investments to get the other house that we own now.

After some time,I had a very vivid dream that I was in my old house walking around (still being rented by people we know) and it was nighttime and I saw the pictures on the wall in the hallway of small children, I walked on and entered the living room (still total darkness) and saw a person sitting in a white cushioned chair by the light of the moon in the corner...smoking a cigarette....I saw the red ember and smoke...I thought..Oh...and woke up ..didn't think much of that until a few weeks later when Dh & I went to our old home to collect rent and check up on things.

When we entered the house, we walked around to check on things, and I saw the hallway where the kids pictures were, they were the same ones I saw in my dream.....and I saw the white chair in the corner where I had seen the person sitting smoking....It was like I was there during the night in my dream......but was I?

That is a cool story, it sounds just like dreams my mom has. She has also dreamt about real people and places/houses that she has never seen before. I could tell some good stories about her, but they sound very unbelievable to most people. I believe its real though, and even my dad, when they were still married, believed and saw first hand the weird psychic things she is able to do, and he's not the spiritual type at all. She's quite the lady, my mom is. Very eccentric and spiritual.

I often had dreams like that when I was younger, but then I had terrible nightmares as well. I don't even really dream anymore, once in a very very great while. I think I've learned to not dream, to protect myself from the nightmares.
2 dreams that I remember having weren't exactly 'right' though, there was one that I remember when I was probably 7-8, of me and my sister being chased by a huge ball of fur. No features, just a ball of fur. A few (weeks? months?) later, our neighbors Doberman got loose and chased me and my sister up onto a 1-ton truck dad had sitting in the yard. I guess that one would have been kind of accurate, obviously the dog wasn't exactly a ball of fur, but it was pretty close.
Another dream I remember was when I was 13 or so. I dreamt that I was in a car that was traveling too fast. The last part of the dream I remember was seeing a huge tree in the front windshield, then I woke up. Obviously I thought the car had hit the tree. In real life, the last thing I saw was the tree, but we didn't hit it, I'd covered my eyes
Came very close to hitting it, but stopped just short.
So I guess they were kind of right, but they didn't work out the way I'd thought they would
You sound just like I did before I met my ghost.
I just had to find a logical explanation. If I just accepted that something else was beyond my knowledge then I would not have been so freaked out.

You are correct though. I think that most hauntings have a logical explanation. Before we should call something a real haunting we should try our darndest to disprove it.

Although, now that I think about it, I play my stereo very, very loud and have never had it unplug itself. Was the plug loosely in the wall socket? If it actually was the vibrations shaking the stereo then you should be able to replicate that. It would be an interesting experiment. Maybe you could turn on the stereo very loud and touch the plug, see if it vibrates.

Disproving hauntings is probably as fun as having them.
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So far none of my dreams have come true, thank goodness. I have some really scary or sad ones sometimes. I often dream that a family member or one of my hubbie's family members have died. I've dreamt this about my mom, dad, my brother in law and father in law, and recently, myself. Once I almost dreamt it about my husband but I stopped the dream somehow right before he died. LOL my brain won't allow that scenario to take place.
Sometimes I dream that I know someone who is sick or dying and its always a very clear dream, and the emotions feel real even though I don't know the person in real life. I had one that felt so real recently that I woke up almost in tears.
I have yet to have even the most trivial dream come true, so I doubt I need to worry about any of the really bad ones coming true. I hope!
I definitely don't envy the people who's dreams come true. My mom has also taught herself not to dream in the past, but recently she has started opening her mind up again.

This thread is so interesting, with all the people who have shared paranormal experiences it is hard to doubt they exist!
No, never lived in a haunted house. Little disappointed and feeling alone after hearing everyone stories. Always lived in housing tracks that were less than 30 years old.
I dreamed that my brother totaled his car and died... he did total his car,but he walked away with scratches... the car was so bad he should never have walked away... several months later he was killed riding my dads motorcycle at the end of my dads driveway... i had forgot about my dream until my mom brought it up...

I didn't believe so much when I was younger, but have had a few experieces.....

The biggest-

Everone in the hospital where I worked as a tech said a certain room was haunted, but I totally didn't buy it.
But one night on a graveyard sift, I slept on my "lunch' break (4 am) in the doctor's sleep room (next to the "haunted room). I felt someone lay down next to me, and I thought my co-workers were just messing with me so I punched the space next to me.
Needless to say there was no one there. I punched empty space . But a moment later, as I was catching my breath... stuff fell on the floor and the window behind me slammed shut

I did a tripple back flip out of the more naps...
This isn't a haunted house story but still creepy. Last night, or rather this morning, I was playing a game called Farmville on Facebook and in theholiday spirit I have Halloween decorations. I put 3 tombstomes lined up along a fence row. There is one person, and only 1 person I wish bad things for. Reason being is he did horrible things to my Grandson when he was 2 years old. I'm not talking about just being mean. He was abusive in every kind of way one can be to a vulnerable 2 year old. Anyway, I posted a message since I couldn't write on the tombstone. R.I.H and his name.

I found out this afternoon that he committed suicide last night. Now how strange is that? I have to really watch out for what I wish for. Another wish came true against my x husband. When I left him, I wished he would find a woman that was everything he accused me of being so he could see what that kind of person was really like. Turns out, she claimed to be a witch and because he didn't want to marry him she so called put a curse on him that the woman he loves will not love him back, ever.

I must have the gift.oooooooooOOOOOOOoooooooo

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