Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

Note to self....

Bring camera out with you to get some good fluffy butt photos

he hehe...

Actually did notice a few of them look a bit bigger down there!


Very little progress
I realize it is still early! at the end of this month they will be 5 months! these girls are killing me
I think you are going to see a big change in the next two weeks.. My girls are 22 weeks, and the last 10 days, the Barred Rocks are finally getting larger and red. Where did you get yours? Mine are hatchery stock, and might go a bit earlier if you got yours from a breeder or are heritage birds.

I got my Barred Rocks (when they were 3 days old) from someone off of Craigslist so I have know idea were he got them from! Wish I knew though I didn't think to ask.I do know they were vaccinated.
No eggs today. However tonight when I got home Pepper was showing off in front of some friends that stopped by. I can say for sure that the ISA Brown he was with is certainly ready. I noticed the vent was open very noticably. So maybe tomorrow!
I finally put the straw and wooden eggs in the nesting boxes and started offering them oyster shell. I do not really see any signs other than my Barred Roch and White Rock are getting redder in the comb and wattles. No squatting or singing. I am hoping the readied nest boxes and oyster shell will help them get the message.
My hens are only 18 weeks
so I know I have a way to go. I got all of mines from a hatchery, day old chicks. Received them on August 15. I have a total of 9.

1 - Buff Orpington (loves to peck
1 - Brahma White
2 - Barred Plymouths
2 - Rhode Island Reds

I am excited to get my first egg.... the wait is killing me
. This is my first time raising hens for eggs.

Since I am new to this, I have been reading up on the signs. But can anyone help me out. I put straw in the nesting box, they just scratch it out. Any info will help.
Hi USVIyardbird, What area of the country are you in? I am very new to chickens as well... So most of my info would be from what I heard and I have heard people getting eggs really early but that seems to be with early chicks. I think we have someone in this thread that is in the week 30's. I know it is tough. I have 2 girls that are 22 weeks. My others are way younger.
I asked were you are from because I am wondering if the weather would have anything to do with it. Though it seems that chickens in snowy environments can lay in the winter as well... but maybe not the first eggs. I'm not sure. Anyone else know?
I was thinking of getting a Brahma... do you have pics?
My hens are only 18 weeks
so I know I have a way to go. I got all of mines from a hatchery, day old chicks. Received them on August 15. I have a total of 9.

1 - Buff Orpington (loves to peck
1 - Brahma White
2 - Barred Plymouths
2 - Rhode Island Reds

I am excited to get my first egg.... the wait is killing me
. This is my first time raising hens for eggs.

Since I am new to this, I have been reading up on the signs. But can anyone help me out. I put straw in the nesting box, they just scratch it out. Any info will help.
Ha Ha... love your post!

Hi USVlyardbird!!!!

To BackYardChickens, and to the waiting for eggs thread!!!!! So honored to be your first post! So happy you joined our waiting group!

I am in the same exact boat you are, just a bit earlier. My hatchery gang was a July 23rd hatch, so we just started our 22 week here. Do you have any Roo's or just the girls? Out of my 10 birds, one turned out to be a Roo, so, I guess just as they promised a 90% hatch rate, I have my rooster Duke minding the flock. At first I was upset, but after reading up so much on here, I am findout out the advantages of having a roo, and as long as he stays nice,, he can stay!

Really other than the enlarged red waddles, and growing combs, I haven't noticed too much. Late last week, Duke started mating with the girls, so maybe he knows something I don't. I haven't seen any evidence of squatting, and certainly no egg songs yet.. From what i have read on here some hens don't have an egg song, and don't squat, so I am going on age and the mating to know I am getting close. I wish one of them would squat to make me feel better, but nada, zilch.. .niente. As Brooster Springsteen pointed out, we may start seeing some good changes once the winter solstice begins on Friday... three cheers for longer days... hip hip, hooray, hip hip, hooray,, HIP HIP, HOORAY!!!!!

I am far from being an expert, but have read so much on here and talked with some BYCer's enough to know that Buff Orpingons mature a bit later, and lay later. I have Barred Rocks and RIR's as well. My RIR, both have huge combs that are very red, I am thinking they may go first. I don't know anything about Brahmas, but have heard good things about them. What hatchery did you buy from, I bought mine from Meyer.

Ok well, off to upload a few pics I took today as I fed some treats so everyone can see where my crew is at.

Hope everyone isn't too hectic going into this crazy week before Chirstmas,, I know I am!

Here are some pictures of the girls Dec 18, 2012. All of them are 22 weeks old.

This is one of my Black Australorps named Dahlia, her comb and waddles aren't as big as her partner's are
As you can see, even though the are the same age, Dahlia's comb and waddles show maturity a big more.

Same goes for my RIR's
Rose who is smaller than her breed partner Charlotte, has a bigger comb and waddles. Duke is all over her as well, so I am thinking that she may give me my first egg.

Here is her breed partner Charlotte

And finally my Barred Rocks
Here is Betta, short for Elizabetta.
This is Kate.. they are both about the same

Daisy is my Columbian Wyandotte girl who I know will reach POL last of all the girls, she hasn't shown much change of any kind.

Look at the difference between Rose and Kate!

And Finally, a picture of two fluffy butts...Here are two of my girls fluffy butts!
What do you think BroosterSpringsteen?

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