Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

Ii have golfballs in the nesting boxes, they don't care! All 5 of them sleep all squished up in one box. As cute as it is, I can't stand it! Too much poop to clean up! I'm going to board them up tonight so they have no choice to sleep on their perch! I just don't want to stress them out and cause a delay in egg laying!!
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Ii have golfballs in the nesting boxes, they don't care! All 5 of them sleep all squished up in one box. As cute as it is, I can't stand it! Too much poop to clean up! I'm going to board them up tonight so they have no choice to sleep on their perch! I just don't want to stress them out and cause a delay in egg laying!!

Don't worry about that! Like I said the soccer balls deter sleeping and when one takes them out in the morning the box is there for them
To do pretend laying!
Tic, tic, tic, toc. lol.

Melabella she is a very pretty bird. I so want different breeds next time... ;) When ever that is;) My baby chicks will only be 3 weeks old today. I have a long way off till they start laying. And I really hope I do not end up with any Roos,,, Yes... how likely is that... So sorry for that you only got one pullet from your four chicks... Are you going to try again?
  I will get some new pics soon....  

Cat, I have 3 different ages so far in the grow out pen. 11 week olds, Speckled Sussex, Austra White and a White Maran. The 4 Lavender Ameraucanas are 7 weeks and I hatched out 3 Swedish Flower Hens that are 3 weeks old like your chicks! Right now I have 7 Isbar eggs in the incubator only 6 days in and praying to get at least two hatch from those eggs. It's hard with shipped eggs. After these I am going to try for some more Swedish flower eggs again as I have fallen crazy for this breed!!

Get some chick pics up soon! Say hi to Mom!

The girls are roosting now instead of the floor :) This is the 3rd night of them doing this. The nesting boxes are not allowed in the coop untill they start showing signs of getting close. I don't want them thinking they're sleeping in there, the poopin gets too much LOL I do still have to go out and put them in at night... :)
... I looked up some of the breeds you mentioned Melabella.... I am so altering my wish list... The Swedish flower can look so beautiful. I love the blue color on the other birds... That is why I had wanted Blue Andalusian...

Look at my 3 delicious Swedish Flower Hen babies! These were at a week old. I will take some tomorrow. They are getting so beautiful. One of the things I fell in love with is that you never know what you are going to get! Just like Forest Gump says.. it's like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get!

I candled the Isbar eggs last night , 2 infertile clears. The air sacs on the remaining are all wonky.. I wasn't impressed with the yolks of the eggs that I didn't set, my incubator only holds 7, the seller was very nice and sent 9. I am hoping at least 2 make it. Not too hopeful with this batch. So fingers crossed for the remaining 5 eggs! wishing wishing.

How are your little babies Cat?

Americana and a blue andalusian

Turkey Tia contemplating why her babies are so small...

I think this is a Buff Orpington cross with the blue andalusian. She had a slight blue cast to her feathers that I don't think I will ever catch in a pic....

Not to sure what this could be... either RiR or Americana crossed with the blue Andalusian Roo....

The one on the left I seen come out of an Buff Orp shell... She must be crossed with the Americana Roo... the other is a Blue Andalusian. I am lucky that I think I got 2 pure blue andlusians....I just hope they are girls...
I am thrilled that the adoptive moms are taking care for their babies.... it means I still have my bathroom to myself;) But it is a lot harder to take pics of them when they are running around all over the place. They are so cute... Just a little over 3 weeks old

Your chicks are amazing Melabella... I looked on line what they could look like as adults. Amazing! I am really excited for you.
Cat, this is the most precious picture! I LOVE IT! You should def enter this in the calendar contest. It is so touching! What a testament for adoption too! LOVE LOVE LOVE! I also love her name... Turkey Tia... first smile of the day!

The chicks are beautiful! Love them! I am so loving all the new chicks around here, the laying flock is slowly getting used to them with the small supervisions visits I allow. The three Swedish are far too little to defend themselves. I have 2 roos and hopefully the third is a pullet. I have some mixed eggs in the bator right now but will be sending for some more Swedish eggs after these hatch. I am in love with them, and need some females to with these roos!

Have a great Sunday, so beautiful here today in New York!

How is your salmon faverolles doing Debbie? You know... I have been thinking about this for a while... I was wondering if she did fall off a perch or pushed off or a squabble with another chick or chicken... Things happen... I hope she is better now.
I was also wondering if anyone had hens raising chicks.... I know when I just raise chicks they take a long while to learn to roost.... My adoptive moms are pushing the chicks into this way sooner then I thought. Barley one month old and they are roosting...

I really like this pic... I just have to get more before they grow any bigger.... It was so funny last night when 4 chicks were trying to sit on Tia Turkey's back. Unfortunately I did not have my cell with me at that time... but at least I caught this one... Maybe next year when she gets broodie again I should order some eggs;)

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