Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

Well my chicks are still a while off... They will be 2 months old next Tuesday.....
I have a couple of new pics... and I was wondering... One of these chicks is looking very strange... Her feathers are growing in all weird directions.

She is also way smaller then all of the chicks and I know she was one of the first 3 to hatch. I believe she is a Buff Orpington / EE.... She is making me think frizzle..... I am checking the thread for frizzles. What do you think? Really excited... She is so cute. And she better stay a she;)
Found that mine began in a very odd ways...Sometimes in the floor of the coop, sometimes in the dirt, some were paper thin and soft,,,it took them a little while to get everything together..LOL...,.since then, have had no problems.....
I'm learning that patience is a huge part of this whole chicken and egg thing. Thanks for the advice. We are moving along nicely now.
One of my girls is laying in the nesting box! so at least i know we are okay on the set up.
A second chicken started laying this week and she is trying to figure out where to lay her eggs. Have found them in the oddest of places :)
I am a newbie also and can't wait to find the first egg. I have 5 pullets, well I am thinking 4 now as one does look like a possible Roo. I believe I still have a little wait for my first egg. I'm not exactly sure how old mine are as I was told they would be between 6-10 weeks old when I would get them and I picked them up on June 26th. Hope you get an egg soon!
I am a newbie also and can't wait to find the first egg. I have 5 pullets, well I am thinking 4 now as one does look like a possible Roo. I believe I still have a little wait for my first egg. I'm not exactly sure how old mine are as I was told they would be between 6-10 weeks old when I would get them and I picked them up on June 26th. Hope you get an egg soon!
Welcome to BYC !! Don't get worried if the first few eggs are weird looking.. They have to get it all together but it usually don't take long. You might get a soft-shelled egg...or maybe an egg with no shell ! Now that's a strange thing to see. But just know that the pullets are pretty young and need time to get everything in sync!
Just be patient with them. Sit and talk to them with somekind of treat sometimes. they will get used to you and begin running to you.
They all have different personalities too! You will love this site....there is nothing you have a problem with that someone here hasn't experienced,,,
Hi mjoubre... do you have some pic? Your girls (and maybe boy) should be around 16 to 20 weeks old... ish;) What kind are they? Some breeds developer later then others. Some very early... We all love pics here;) It could also help us help you... My new chicks are a long way off. They are only 8 weeks old. Since they were hatched from my own girls ( the boys were delicious) I'm still not sure what we have... how many boys vs girls. Still no crowing yet... But it should not be much longer now. I really look forward to seeing your pic (hint ;) of your first eggs.
The one you THINK might be a roo may be the one that is maturing - I have five girls and when one started to grow wattles/comb much larger and redder than the others and got more aggressive and hungry - I thought she might be a roo - but she was actually the one that matured first/fastest and started giving me eggs! Lady Mary has the other 4 very interested in her sitting, laying and they are all watching her and imitating her - a natural leader among chickens! Your suspected Roo may give you an egg soon.
My first layer left her first 2 eggs in the dirt in the run. I was able to determine that she laid between 11am and 1pm so on the third day I scooped her up at 11 and put her in the coop. She then laid in the nest basket consistently every day until I built a nest box and now she wants no part of the coop. She has been laying everyday in the yard in the same place and all the other girls are starting to use the same nesting spot. I am going to have to confine them to the coop a few days until they realize that the coop is the place to lay - When winter comes they will not be able to lay eggs out in the yard in all kinds of weather so I really should nip it in the bud. We enjoyed being able to watch her go to her spot, do her little sitting routine and lay. Plus, the other hens have been watching and imitate her little routine - so, it was sort of a demonstration/instruction time for the others. Now get in the coop and start producing!!!
Hi CatSol and NacientNeedle! I have a BLR Wyandotte, SL Wyandotte, GL Wyandotte, Lavender Orpington and a Barred Rock. I am worried of the BLR because my father told me that he heard a strange noise that sounded like she was trying to crow and now that I look at her she does look different than the other Wyandottes. She has a nice comb and wattle that are really red. This one has been my favorite since I got them but the deal with my father and grandfather was to only get hens. We all live next to each other. So my grandfather is already talking about making a gumbo with this one. I can't upload pictures yet. I have started a thread to put up the pictures of my 5 under the category what breed or gender is this but there is a problem right now so I can't upload any pictures. I will keep trying to upload. Thanks!
Does your suspected roo seem to be voraciously hungry and becoming more aggressive? Any egg song noise? She's just might be very close to being ready to lay her first egg - they do start to make more mature sounds - mostly a sound like "bbaaaaahk" - but in general I find that they become more vocal once they mature and get ready to start laying. And their wattles and combs get larger and redder so she may look different in that regard - only because she has matured faster than the others. I suggest you put some hay in a basket turned on its side somewhere in the run or where they are during the day and observe. Either way - you'll find out soon.

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