Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

So, I'm still waiting waiting waiting. Very impatiently now. :( These chickens are duds.

No eggs for Christmas, no eggs for New Years. Maybe some eggs for Groundhog's Day? I looked it up and we should have 10 hours of daylight by then. Hopefully that will be enough to get these chickens in gear!

Wait, this is the thread to complain about chickens not laying eggs yet, right?
It sure is, so complain away! I still complain about my fourth one who refuses to start laying, even though the other three started a little while ago.

I am not blaming them today though - I brought them inside to a spare, air-conditioned bathroom becasuse a heatwave was predicted. Our outdoor thermomenter in part-shade peaked at 44.8 Celsius - that's 112.6 Fahrenheit. They are disconcerted but cannot know that it is like an oven out there. I feared losing them. And I can always hose the bathroom down tomorrow when the termperatures are due to drop. It could be worse - lots of bushfires throughout Australia so there are many out there worried for their homes, family, chooks and other pets. Stay safe everyone!
112.6!! holy cow!!! And here I was complaining about 20 degrees...Maybe put some newspaper down so you don't have such a mess to clean up! Poor things!!

I am still waiting for eggs from my 4 girls, Next week I will really start putting the pressure on, they had colds and where put on antibiotics that ended Sunday, 1 week free and we can keep the eggs. I would hate to have to throw the 1st ones away :( But we built them a new Nesting box, and a put a plastic Easter egg in it for some encouragement! Hopefully they don't think they need to lay a bright green egg!
I have heard the egg song twice today! but sometimes mine girls like to sing just to get me out there I think. I should take them out some scratch maybe then they will lay. They skipped laying yesterday. Really hoping for 2 eggs today

Just as I thought no egg yet but someone was in the nest getting ready to lay. Oh well they tricked me into giving them scratch again.
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Brooster, it must have been an uspet stomach because I did not lay two eggs today... and only one of my girls participated as well.
Well darn!
I didn't get any new eggs either. When I went to lock up the girls, there were 5 hens in the nesting box. So I probably won't find any eggs in the morning, but I may find a lot of poop. Yay!
Hey, good waiting buddies, I've had my first 4 egg day from the 4 girls!!!

Barnie the Barnevelder finally decided to join the party. They are all about 30 weeks old. It's a fairly normal brown colour, just with a few darker specks, not the lovely chocolate colour I have heard of. It's still a beautiful egg

They spent the day in the spare, air-conditioned bathroom yesterday and only went back into their coop at 7am this morning. They did find it quite stressful, so I'm amazed (not as stressful as it would have been out in 112 degree heat). It will be nearly as hot again in 3 days time. It took me all morning to clean the bathroom, so I am hoping it doesn't prove necessary again so soon.

I hope I'm still allowed the hang out in the "egg waiting room"!!!
Hey, good waiting buddies, I've had my first 4 egg day from the 4 girls!!!

Barnie the Barnevelder finally decided to join the party. They are all about 30 weeks old. It's a fairly normal brown colour, just with a few darker specks, not the lovely chocolate colour I have heard of. It's still a beautiful egg

They spent the day in the spare, air-conditioned bathroom yesterday and only went back into their coop at 7am this morning. They did find it quite stressful, so I'm amazed (not as stressful as it would have been out in 112 degree heat). It will be nearly as hot again in 3 days time. It took me all morning to clean the bathroom, so I am hoping it doesn't prove necessary again so soon.

I hope I'm still allowed the hang out in the "egg waiting room"!!!
So happy you survived that, we were all worried about your girls! And got an egg to boot! Super SC, so glad that all is well. Did you get any rain to break it a bit? I hope I don't have that waiting for me this summer! Keep us posted..

Good Morning everyone!

Happy to announce, this morning, I got another two eggs, and for the first time,,2nd layer laid her egg in the nest box. So happy that happened, yesterday after finding her second egg on the floor I was afraid she would make that a habit. Not to sound selfish here, but there are 7 other young ladies that need to get their act together! I will be so flippin happy when I am getting that many eggs a day, or even over 5. Unless I have 3 girls laying, (I swear I want to put a hen cam in there), the first girl who laid has given me an egg every single day since she started with the first on New Year's Eve! So so happy!

How is the weather SpikesChooks?


I was so happy for my two eggs in then nest boxes today, I went out and found another two in nest boxes! That is eggs all ready today!

I have six eggs out on the counter now! Whoopie


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