Any one want to join me in waiting for eggs, posting and comparing notes?

I'm no expert but my first bird to lay squatted 3 weeks ago at about 21 weeks and laid within a week and 9 others are laying here by 25 weeks. From what I've heard and read the normal range is anywhere from 16 weeks for the hybrids all the way to 26 or even 30 for a slower maturing bird. So 18 weeks sounds early but not abnormally so. Lucky you!

Thanks, and yeah, I'm finding it a bit strange, these are supposedly not hybrids. Lol!

The only other experience I have is with my first flock. They are all Silver Spangled Hamburgs and would rather hit you with a wing than squat for you, flighty and aloof for sure. The first one to lay was 26 weeks and the last in that flock was around 32 weeks , so I'm kind of in shock to see this kind of behavior so early. Keeping my fingers crossed here because the Hamburgs haven't laid an egg in a couple of months now!

First egg of the new year! This is NOT from our pullets, it's from one of my Hamburg hens, but it feels like forever since we have had any eggs, over 2 months due to molting and winter. So, YAY! First egg of the year!!!


My pretty barred rock Opal started laying, finally, at almost 8 months! Now she averages 5 or 6 per week. She is extremely noisy about it and sometimes all the noise forsn't produce an egg. Is that normal ? And will she quiet down as she gets to be more of a seasoned hen? I live in town so I don't want to bother the neighbors. And my husband isn't too crazy about the screeching either!
Opal is very pretty, I like her upright posture.
I think the noise really depends on the chicken and the day. I have a couple that make quite a racket, but it is usually right after they have laid, as if to let the other girls know what they were doing while they were gone.
Thanks! I guess we will have to adjust to the racist!
Haha, did you mean to say "racket?" I was puzzling to try to figure out who the racist was supposed to be, even guessing that maybe you were talking about a neighbor.
If you are home and know about what time she lays, or you can get out to the coop really fast, you might try scattering some kind of treat when she starts her "egg song." I found my chickens are very easily distracted by treats, and maybe she will forget about making her announcement to the world, because she could be too busy stuffing her face. Just a suggestion, I don't know if it would work.
OK, we bought our 4 chicks from a local country store in May, and they were supposed to be 5 days old, and born on May 19th. After 7.5 months of no eggs, and not even certain at times if we have any rooster among them, and hearing egg songs since October on and off, I was ready to install a surveillance camera to spy on them! Then yesterday, they did the egg song again when I had to leave home around 9 in the morning, and my daughter went and check and found 2 eggs that were still warm! She was so excited and asked if I had put in real-looking eggs there to lure them to lay! Minutes later, DD called again and said she found a third egg in the yard somewhere. By 1:30PM, I came home and she went to show me where she found the eggs, and that's when we saw 1 egg laying right in the middle of the walkway, 2 under a tree, and 1 more inside the coop! 7 eggs in one day! I guess they all started laying?! So far, we got 1 today but one other chick went in and out of coop so many times I think she has another one coming out soon again!

Wow, 7 found in the same day? The first day? They all started laying at the same time?!

Love them!

Oh my gosh I dudn't realize it did it autocorrect! Yes I meant racket! That is s good idea about the treats but I am usually gone to work by the time she sings so I only hear it on the weekend but I will try it then. Thanks!
Oh that is an amazing green! Love that color. I have one girl that has not started laying yet that I am hoping for a wonderful color as that.
I did get a first egg from one of my mix breed pullets. My little Iris has started to lay. Half BO / EE... I was hoping for an Olive-egger but they came out cream colored. I will have pics soon. Yes, the girls will and should take a break from laying when they molt. I have been getting only 1 or 2 eggs a day. Yesterday we got 5 eggs.
Happy New Year everyone... Sorry that is be-lated but I had holiday stuff to do and could only now get to my computer for more then 5 mins.....

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